

释义 大1. big2. great3. large4. the eldestABCABC★◀▶大 dàI s.v.1) big; great; high; tall; vast2) much; very3) old他多大? How old is he?4) eldest5) adultII n. topo.topo. fatherIII cons.1) 大 V tè V: big/great/etc. V大错特错 gross error2) 大 A 大 B: used with two monosyllabic nouns, verbs, or stative verbs related in meaning to indicate high degree大鱼大肉摆了一满桌。 The table was filled with lots of meat and fish.大 dàiperson of importance (大夫)大dàbighugelargemajorgreatwidedeepolder (than)oldesteldestgreatlyvery much(dialect) fatherfather's elder or younger brotherdàisee 大夫[dài fu]大父亲father伯父或叔父uncle n. 大小size像豆粒一般大 same size as a pea身材有我这么大 same size as me adj. 不小;巨大;伟大;重大;高大;广大;体积大;容量大;强度大;粗大;可观large; big; huge; great; important; lofty; vast; bulky; capacious; strong; thick; considerable大机器 large machine大树 big tree大桶 big barrel大粒沙子 large grain of sand大片土地 vast tract of land大房间 large room大草原 extensive grassland大火 conflagration大城市 large city大问题 big problem大作家 great writer大胜利 great victory大丰收 bumper harvest大规模 large-scale大规模的群众斗争 great struggle of the masses大协作 large-scale cooperation大示威 big demonstration大检查 major inspection大发展 big development个子大 tall in stature声音大 loud voice力量大 powerful数量大 numerous利息大 high rate of interest损失大 heavy losses学问大 great learning名望大 great renown成就大 great achievement篇幅大的文章 lengthy article迈着大步 take big strides这鞋我穿太大。 These shoes are too big for me.药品大幅度降价。 Medicinal drugs have seen large price reductions.开展了一场轰轰烈烈的石油大会战。 A mass campaign to explore and develop oil fields was launched.年纪大age一家大小 whole family年纪一样大的孩子 children of the same age你多大了? How old are you?他们两人谁年纪大? Which of those two is the eldest?他是我们中间年纪最大的人。 He's the eldest among us.她有三个孩子,大的已经上学了。 She has three children, and the eldest is already at university.排行第一eldest大儿子 eldest son称对方<敬>your表示强调used before a word for emphasis大热天 very hot day adv. 程度深to a great extent大闹技术革新 place great emphasis on technological innovation大干一场 go all out大破哲学神秘论 eradicate the view that philosophy is something mystical大施威风 show off one's strength and influence大献殷勤 do one's utmost to please大发牢骚 complain profusely大发议论 have a grand debate大有可能 highly likely大办粮食 concentrate on growing cereal crops病大好了 completely recovered from an illness天已大亮。 It is already broad daylight.不大爱说话 not very talkative不大来 don't often come大 dà 形 (体积、面积等大) big; large:  大城市 a big city;  大厦 a large building (强度大) strong (wind, etc.); heavy (rain, etc.); loud:  大风 a strong wind;  大雨 a heavy rain;  声音太大 too loud (伟大的; 重要的) great; important:  大救星 the great liberator;  大人物 important person; great personage (主要的; 大规模的) general; main; major:  大反攻 general counteroffensive;  大路 main road; highway;  大手术 major operation;  大问题 major issue; big problem (尺寸大小) size:  像豆粒一样大 the size of a bean; as big as a bean;  那件衣服我穿太大。 The coat is too large for me.  你穿多大的鞋? What size shoes do you wear?  这间屋子有那间两个大。 This room is twice the size of that one. (年龄大小) age:  论年纪, 我比他大。 In respect of age, I am his senior.  你的孩子多大了? How old is your child?  他比我大3岁。 He is three years senior to me. (排行第一) eldest:  大房 senior branch of a family;  大膏 eldest brother (敬辞, 称与对方有关的事物) your:  大札 your letter;  大作 your writing;  尊姓大名? May I know your name? (用在时令或节日前, 表示强调):  大白天 in broad daylight;  大年初一 first day of the lunar year;  大清早 early in the morning 副 (表示程度深) greatly; fully:  大吃一惊 be greatly surprised; be quite taken aback;  大好河山 beautiful rivers and mountains of a country;  大献殷勤 do one's utmost to please and woo (用在“不”后, 表示程度浅或次数少) not very; not often:  不大好 not very good;  不大清楚 not too clear;  他不大看电影。 He seldom goes to cinema.  他最近不大来。 He hasn't been coming around much recently. 名  (年纪大的人) adult; grown-up:  一家大小 the whole family;  全家大小5口。 There are five people in the family altogether.  (方) (父亲) father:  俺大是个农民。 My father is a peasant.  (方) (伯父或叔父) one's father's brother; uncle (姓氏) a surname:  大明 Da Ming 另见 dài。 2) 大 dài 形 (义同“大” (dà), 用于“大城”、“大夫”、“大黄”、“大王”) 动 (书)(将要; 打算) be going to; will; shall (通“待”)另见 dà。林语堂林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶大大 226B25  12.81  部居  畫數 3ㄉㄚˋ [da4]  (re. pr *ㄉㄞˋ [dai4] ).N.(1)  (Coll.) a penny: 不值一個大 not worth a penny.(2)  A surname.Adj.(1)  Big, large, great: 大人 [da4ren2]↓;大陸 [da4lu4]↓;大路 highway, main road;大門 the gate;大樓 a tall building;大大小小 the big and the small-all considered;大而無當 phr., big, impractical (plan), big and burdensome (“white elephant”).(2)  The eldest (brother, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc.): 大房 eldest branch of family;senior of same rank: 大姑(子)senior sister or wife;大舅(子)senior brother of wife;(3)  (Oft. in address) honored, esteemed: 大爺,大老爺 [da4ye2], [da4lao3ye0]↓;大法官 Grand justice;大札 your gracious letter;大作 your great composition;大駕 your “carriage,”i. e., your arrival;大名 great reputation;名山大川 well-known mountains and rivers;self-given appellation: 大唐 the Great Tarng Empire;大清 the Great Ching (Manchu) Dyn.(4)  Important: 大人物 the V.I. P.S;大事 important occasion or event;大處著眼 pay attention to the important points.Adv.(1)  Generally: 大凡,大概,大抵,大致 [da4fan2], [da4gai4], [da4di3], [da4zhi4]↓.(2)  Further ahead or behind: 大前天 two days before yesterday;大後天 two days after tomorrow;大前年 two years before last;大後年 two years after next;大後兒(個)next to next behind.(3)  Greatly (angered, pleased, etc.): 大謬 greatly mistaken;大不為然 greatly disapprove.(4)  Completely: 大晴 (the sky is) completely clear;大亮 it's day already.(5)  Showily, pompously, oft. 大……大:大模大樣(大模廝樣兒)in an open or showy manner;大搖大擺 take big, swinging steps;大手大腳 spend extravagantly;大庭廣眾 in broad daylight, in front of everybody;大天白日 in broad daylight;大書特書 it is clearly written;大言不慚 to talk big;大言欺人 to exaggerate;大躍進 (phr.) great leap forward.Words1. 大寶 [da4bao3], n., (LL) the throne.2. 大拜 [da4bai4], v.i., formerly, (emperor) make person prime minister.3. 大班 [da4ban1], n., compradore, Taipan.4. 大本營 [da4ben3ying2], n., general headquarters.5. 大便 [da4bian4], v.i., answer nature's call; to evacuate bowels.6. 大辟 [da4bi4], n., crime punishable by death.7. 大比 [da4bi3], n., formerly, provincial civil service examinations.8. 大鼻子 [da4bi2zi0], n., (derog.) a Russian (“big-nosed”).9. 大白 (1) [da4bo2], n., a wine cup: 浮一大白 drink a cup (to celebrate); (2) ([da4bai2]) 真相大白 the facts are clear now.10. 大不列顛 [da4bu4lie4dian1], n., Great Britain.11. 大不了 [da4bu0liao3], phr., 沒什麼大不了的事情 it's nothing frightening, nothing to worry about.12. 大氅 [da4chang3], n., overcoat of old type.13. 大腸 [da4chang2], n., (physiol.) the colon.14. 大成 [da4cheng2], n., great consummation; a compendium; 集大成 composition which embodies contributions of previous scholars.15. 大千 [da4qian1], n., (Budd.) a universe of many universes (大千世界)16. 大蟲 [da4chong2], n., (coll.) a tiger.17. 大大咧咧 [da4da0lie1lie1], adv., haughtily.18. 大大落落兒 [da4da0luo1luo1er0], adv., in dignified manner (also pr. [da4da0lu1lu1er0]).19. 大膽 [da4dan3], adj. & adv., with determination without fear or hesitation: 大膽做去 do it without hesitation.20. 大典 [da4dian3], n., an august ceremony.21. 大抵 [da4di3], adv., mostly.22. 大豆 [da4dou4], n., the soybean (also called 黃豆).23. 大動脈 [da4dong4mo4], n., the aorta.24. 大方 [da4fang1], (1) n., experts, connoisseurs: 貽笑大方 be laughed at by those who know; (2) adj., generous with money, not stingy; (3) (appear or walk) with proud bearing.25. 大凡 [da4fan2], adv., mostly, generally.26. 大分 [da4fen4], n., (LL) person's destined years to live.27. 大夫 *[dai4fu1], n., a physician, doctor: 陳大夫 Dr. Chen.28. 大婦 [da4fu4]1, n., (LL) the wife.29. 大副 [da4fu4]2, n., (nautical) the mate.30. 大概 [da4gai4], adv., in general, most probably.31. 大綱 [da4gang1], n., outline (of program, plan), the elements (of political science, etc.).32. 大褂(兒) [da4gua4er0], n., unlined long gown: 藍布大褂 blue cotton gown.33. 大觀 [da4guan1], n., as in 洋洋大觀 an impressive array (of exhibits, buildings, etc.).34. 大歸 [da4gui1], v.i., formerly, a divorced woman returns to her mother's home for good.35. 大故 [da4gu4], n., parents’ funeral.36. 大公 [da4gong1], adj., (1) impartial: 大公無私; (2) n., impartiality; Catholicity.37. 大鼓書 [da4gu3shu1], n., monologue storytelling in rhythmic language, accompanied by a hand drum.38. 大海 [da4hai3], n., (1) a widemouthed bowl or wine cup; (2) the sea.39. 大亨 [da4heng1], n., (coll.) (slightly derog.) a big merchant.40. 大花臉 [da4hua1lian3], n., (Chin. opera) a male role of dignified type.41. 大話 [da4hua4], n., exaggeration: 說大話 to exaggerate.42. 大黃 [da4huang2], n., (bot.) rhubarb; Rheum officinale.43. 大會 [da4hui4], n., a conference, assembly meeting.44. 大丈夫 [da4zhang4fu1], n., (AC, LL) a gentleman, a man of character or real worth.45. 大家 [da4jia1], n., (1) all, all people: 大家唱 let's all sing together; (2) master of an art of craft; (3) 大家閨秀 woman from a cultured family.46. 大解 [da4jie3], v.i., see [da4bian4]↑.47. 大節 [da4jie2], n., matter of honor, principles: 大節無虧 firm in matters of honor (apart from personal weakness).48. 大靜脈 [da4jing4mo4], n., the great vein carrying blood of the body to the heart.49. 大戟 [da4ji3], n., (bot.) spurge; Euphorbia pekinensis.50. 大襟(兒) [da4jin1] ([da4jie1er0]), n., the right-hand flap of Chinese gown where it is buttoned.51. 大軸子 [da4zhou4zi0], n., (Chin. opera) the last act.52. 大篆 [da4zhuan4], n., Chinese script in time of Confucius, before 小篆 was introduced in Chirn 秦 Dyn.53. 大著 [da4zhu4], n., (court.) your book.54. 大眾 [da4zhong4], n., (1) the people; (2) the masses: 大眾文學 literature for the masses; 大眾化 to popularize or simplify (writing); 大眾傳播 mass communication; 大眾傳播工具 mass media.55. 大致 [da4zhi4], adv., on the whole (acceptable, etc.), with a few exceptions.56. 大吉 [da4ji2], n., great luck, fortune.57. 大覺 [da4jUe2], n., (Budd.) the great awakening.58. 大局 [da4jU2], n., general situation.59. 大旨 [da4zhi3]1, n., general theme (of book, teaching).60. 大指 [da4zhi3]2, n., the thumb (also called 拇指).61. 大塊 [da4kuai4], n., (1) the earth; (2) the universe.62. 大魁 [da4kui2], n., the champion in national examinations.63. 大老爺 [da4lao3ye0], n., formerly, address of city magistrate.64. 大剌剌的 [da4la4la4de1], adj. & adv., pompous, -ly.65. 大斂 [da4lian4], n., formal laying-in of body in coffin.66. 大量 [da4liang4], adv., in great quantities, in volume: 大量生產 mass production.67. 大禮服 [da4li3fu2], n., formal dress.68. 大理石 [da4li3shi2], n., marble.69. 大陸 [da4lu4], n., the mainland; continent: 大陸礁層 continental shelf.70. 大落落 [da4luo4luo4], adj., impressive, pompous.71. 大羅天 [da4luo2tian1], n., the fairyland.72. 大略 [da4lUe4], (1) adv., generally; (2) n., the gist of things; (3) 雄才大略 (person's) great talent.73. 大麥 [da4mai4], n., barley.74. 大麻 [da4ma2], n., hemp; marijuana, Cannabis sativa.75. 大麻蠅 [da4ma2ying2], n., a large variety of flies feeding on refuse.76. 大帽子 [da4mao4zi0], n., a formal hat in Manchu Dyn.; pressure from some influential person.77. 大面 [da4mian4], n., (Chin. opera) a male role, see [da4hua1lia3] ([er0])↑; 大面皮兒 the surface, on the surface; 大面兒上 ditto, also in public.78. 大米 [da4mi3], n., rice.79. 大名 [da4ming2], n., a great name, reputation; your name.80. 大腦 [da4nao3], n., cerebrum.81. 大內 [da4nei4], n., imperial palace.82. 大逆 [da4ni4], phr., 大逆不道 treason.83. 大牌 [da4pai2], n., (1) trump card; (2) popular (movie actress, doctor, etc.).84. 大稔 [da4ren3], n., (year of) bumper crops.85. 大人 [da4ren2], n., (1) a grown-up person; (2) formerly, a mandarin; (3) a term of respect in addressing a judge or any high official;86. 大人物 [da4ren2wu4], n., great personage.87. 大撒巴掌兒 [da4sa1ba1zhang0er0], phr., to let things take their own course, leave a free hand.88. 大赦 [da4she4], n., general amnesty.89. 大乘 [da4sheng4], n., (Budd.) Mahayana doctrine or school, opp. 小乘 Hinayana.90. 大西洋 [da4xi1yang2], n., the Atlantic Ocean; 大西洋憲章 The Atlantic Charter (1941).91. 大小 [da4xiao3], n., size (of hat, shoes, etc.): 一般大小 of the same size.92. 大祥 [da4xiang2], n., celebration when period of mourning for parents is over.93. 大寫 [da4xie3], n., capital (in spelling, printing).94. 大帥 [da4shuai4], n., commander in chief, also term of addressing military governors in Manchu Dyn.95. 大數 [da4shu4], n., man's destiny, fate, esp. number of years to live.96. 大師 [da4shi1], n., (1) the master, a term of respect among scholars; (2) a Budd. monk or abbot; 大師傅 common address to a cook, also a monk.97. 大勢 [da4shi4], n., general trend of events, general situation.98. 大學 [da4xUe2], n., (1) a university; (2) one of the Confucian Four Books, the “Great Learning.”99. 大熊座 [da4xiong2zuo4], n., the Great Bear constellation.100. 大使 [da4shi3], n., an ambassador; 大使館 embassy.101. 大蒜 [da4suan4], n., garlic.102. 大餐 [da4can1], n., dinner; 大餐廳 dining hall.103. 大腿 [da4tui3], n., the thigh.104. 大同 [da4tong2], n., as in 世界大同 Confucius’ dream of a world commonwealth-a Utopia, opp. 小康 the well-organized human society.105. 大統 [da4tong3], n., an emperor's rule, imperial house.106. 大自然 [da4zi4ran2], n., the world of Nature, natural phenomena.107. 大我 [da4wo3], phr., the greater self, the spiritual self, opp. 小我 the material self.108. 大無畏 [da4wu2wei4], adj., fearless.109. 大雅 [da4ya3], n., beautiful form and culture: 不登大雅之堂 unqualified to take its place in the higher circles; 無傷大雅 unimportant defects.110. 大樣 [da4yang4], n., full-page proof (in typesetting).111. 大洋 [da4yang2], n., (1) the ocean; (2) a dollar: 大洋千元 $1,000.112. 大洋洲 [da4yang2zhou1], n., Oceania.113. 大要 [da4yao4], n., the important points, an outline of essentials.114. 大爺 [da4ye2], n., uncle; eldest among elders.115. 大衣 [da4yi1], n., overcoat.116. 大意 [da4yi4]1 ([da4yi0]), (1) n., gist of thought, idea; (2) adj., careless: 不可大意 don't be too sure or neglect to provide against the unexpected.117. 大義 [da4yi4]2, n., (1) the principle of right and wrong: 深明大義 know where one's loyalty belongs; (2) general idea.118. 大元帥 [da4yUan2shuai4], n., generalissimo.大大落落兒 [da4da0luo1luo1er0], adv., in dignified manner (also pr. [da4da0lu1lu1er0]).大(小)宗offspring by direct (lateral) descent.大大咧咧 [da4da0lie1lie1], adv., haughtily.大a.great大的;数量大的;巨大的;超乎寻常的;高度的,强烈的[用于动物和植物名称中]大的[亦作 G-][用于地名]大的big(在面积、体积、数量、规模、程度等方面)大的,巨大的large(形状、面积、数量等方面)大的,巨大的important大量的;大的major【逻】大(项)的;大(前提)的wide宽的,宽阔的;广阔的;(差距等)大的blue〈英口〉大的;极端的deep大的,大幅度的senior[常作S-] (置于姓名后表示同名父子中的父或同姓二人中之较年长者,略作 Sr. 或 sr.)老,大grand【音】大的,全的(地位、官衔等)最高的;大的;重大的;主要的;首要的horse(同类中)大的,粗的,强的giant[用于动植物名称中]大的tall〈口〉大的;大量的;过分的;过高的generous大的;大量的;丰富的,充足的macro大的,广大的;宏观的;厚密的;特别显著的quantum大的,重大的heroic异常大的;极端的;(塑像等)大于真人(或实物)的;(药的剂量)大的;(药物)烈性的Greater(城市、国家)大的(指包括郊区、附属国等的)sizable相当大的;大的jolly〈英口〉大的;大大的good-sized(相当)大的;宽大的;大尺码的wally大的;强壮的man-size大的;大型的walloping(极)大的;巨大的;(强)有力的lumping〈口〉结成一团的,集成一堆的;笨重的;大的blockish大的;体积大的majuscule(字母)大的,大写的;大字母的bigass大的;庞大的n.size(尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)大muchness大量;(程度上的)大大1. big; large; huge2. great3. (of rain, snow, fog) heavy4. (of wind, earthquake) strong5. (of sound) loud6. (of roads) wide7. (of classifying or grading) major; main8. age9. (of age) older10. (of siblings) eldest11. greatly12. (in polite correspondence) your or your esteemed (letter, writing, etc.)双向☞长--大--宏观〔词头〕双向☞大--巨大[dà]形1. big; large; great♦ ~城市 big city♦ ~眼睛 big eyes♦ ~救星 great liberator♦ 这张照片不够~。 The picture isn't large enough.2. heavy (rain, etc.); strong (wind, etc.)♦ 雪下得很~。 The snow is falling heavily.♦ 风太~, 你没法放风筝。 The wind is too strong to fly your kite.♦ 外面风~。 It's blowing hard.♦ 团结起来力量~。 Unity is strength.3. loud♦ 声音太~ too loud♦ 收音机开~点。 Turn the radio up a bit louder.4. general; main; major♦ ~马路 main street♦ ~问题 major issue; big problem♦ ~手术 major operation♦ ~反攻 general counteroffensive5. size♦ 那间屋子有这间两个~。 That roomis twice the size of this one.♦ 你穿多~的鞋? What size shoes do you wear?6. age♦ 你的孩子多~了? How old is your child?♦ 他~我两岁。 He's two years my senior.7. eldest♦ ~哥 eldest brother♦ ~房 senior branch of a family8. 尊 your♦ ~札 your letter♦ ~作 your writing9. (used before a time word, etc. to show emphasis)♦ ~清早 early in the morning副1. greatly; fully♦ ~长中国人民的志气 greatly heighten the morale of the Chinese people♦ ~笑 laugh heartily♦ 天已~亮。 It's already broad daylight.2. in a big way; on a big (or large) scale; with all-out efforts; vigorously♦ ~删~改 do a thorough job in revising♦ ~搞农田水利 go all out with irrigation and water conservancy名1. 方 father2. father's brother; uncle另见dài大[dà]…大… (used before nouns, verbs, or adjectives to show a high degree)♦ 大鱼大肉 plenty of meat and fish; rich food♦ 大红大绿 loud colours♦ 大吵大闹 kick up a row ; make a scene大[dài]形(义同“大”(dà), 用于“大夫﹑大黄﹑大王)另见dà




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