

单词 多亏
释义 文馨英漢☞多虧多亏 duōkuī1) thanks to; by grace of2) luckily多亏你帮我。 Luckily I have you to help me.多亏duōkuīthanks toluckily多亏thanks to多亏你帮忙,才把事情办好。 Thanks to your help the work is finished.多亏周伯伯把我们带回来。 We were lucky that Uncle Zhou brought us back.多亏 duō kuī thanks to; owing to; fortunately; luckily:  多亏你的帮助 thanks to your help;  多亏你给我们带路。 We were lucky to have you as our guide.  多亏及时送医院, 再晚半小时他就没希望了。 Fortunately he was sent to the hospital in time. If he had been delayed half an hour, he would have not been still alive. 多亏1. thanks to; it is fortunate that多亏thanks to; luckily♦ ~你的帮助 thanks to your help♦ ~你给我们带路。 We were lucky to have you as our guide.




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