

释义 多1. many2. more3. much多 duōI s.v.1) many; much; more2) more than the correct/required number3) excessive; too much4) much/far moreII adv.to what degree; how ...给我一张纸,多大都行。 Give me a piece of paper; any size will do.III pref.poly-; multi-多音节 polysyllabic多duōmanymuchoftena lot ofnumerousmorein excesshow (to what extent)multi-Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"多 num. 挂零odd一个多月 over a month五点多钟 past five o'clock这有三公斤多。 This weighs three kilograms or so.他有五十多岁。 He's over fifty.他给二十多位病人做了手术。 He operated on twenty-odd patients. adj. 数量或程度大many事情多 lots of things非常多 huge number of过多 too many不算多 not that many多民族的国家 multi-ethnic state多成分经济制度 diversified economic system多子女的家庭 family with many children多用途货船 multi-purpose freighter多金属矿石 polymetallic ore多程序设计 multi-programming不多说话 not speak much多则五天,少则三天。 Five days at most and three days at least.林子里的蘑菇多极了。 There are thousands of mushrooms in the forest.他的罪孽才多呢! He's the one who's done much wrong!她的钱多得没数。 She's got more money than she can count.你的行李多不多? Are you taking much luggage?他知道的比我多。 He knows more than me.时间不多了。 There's not much time left.比应有的或原有的多extra多一些 a little more多得多 much more多一倍 twice as much多了三天 three days longer多管闲事 stick one's nose into other people's business多加小心 be more careful请你多多费心。 Please step up your efforts.叫你多费心了。 I've really troubled you.多穿些衣服 wear a bit more多给了 gave too much请多给一些。 Please give a little more.多给一元 give one yuan extra多付款额 pay over the odds过分的;不必要的excessive; unnecessary表示相差大much more重要得多 much more important这样要好得多。 That's much better. adv. 表示疑问how多大? how big?面积多大? How big an area is it?年龄多大? how old?多高? how tall?多重? how heavy?用于感叹句中,表示程度很高so多糟! What a mess!老头儿多精神! What energy for an old man!今天多好的天! What a great day it was today!多好的天气! What great weather!这里多好! How great it is here!如果他能来,那有多好! It would be great if he could come!虚指某种程度to an unspecified extent不多久 not too long有多大劲,使多大劲 give everything one has got箱子没有多重。 The box isn't all that heavy.火车开出不多远就停下了。 The train hadn't been moving long before it stopped.我帮不了多大的忙。 I won't be much help.多 duō 形 (数量大) many; much; more:  请你多多帮助。 Please give me all the help you can.  人多议论多, 热气高, 干劲大。 More people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy.  他在这城里认识的人非常多。 He knows a great many people in this city.  我们还有很多工作要做。 We have a lot more work to do. (比原来的数目有所增加) more than the correct or required number; too many:  你多给了我两个。 You gave me two too many.  他多喝了一点。 He's had a drop too much.  她话说得太多。 She talks too much.  我在那里多住了几天。 I stayed there a few days longer. (过分的; 不必要的) excesive; too much:  多疑 oversensitive; oversuspicious; given to suspicion 数 (用在量词前表示概数):  他曾多次访问大连。 He's visited Dalian many times.  铁有多种用处。 Iron has a variety of uses. 助 (用在数量词后,表示有零头) more; over; odd:  四个多月 more than four months; four months and more;  50多岁 over fifty years old;  全书2000多页。 It's a book of 2000-odd pages. 动 (超出原有的或应有的数量或限度) exceed a number:  多一个人就多一分力量。 If we get one more person, we will become stronger.  南方多水, 利于灌溉。 Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.  这个句子多了一个字。 There is one word too many in this sentence. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  多军 Duo Jun 副 (用在疑问句里, 问程度、数量):  你女儿多大了? How old is your daughter? (用在感叹句里,表示程度很高):  多美的声音啊 ! What a beautiful voice!  看她多精神! Look how energetic she is! (表示任何一种程度):  给我一根绳子,多长都行。 Give me a piece of rope, any length will do.  有多大劲使多大劲。 Use all your strength. (相差程度大) much more; far more:  难得多 much more difficult;  病人今天好多了。 The patient is much better today.  他比我年纪小得多。 He is younger than I by much.; He is much younger than I. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶多多 1335C15  92.32  部居  畫數 6ㄉㄨㄛ [duo1]  (*ㄉㄨㄛˊ [duo2] ).N.(1)  Much, plenty: 三多(多福,多壽,多男子) plenty of luck, children and a long life.(2)  A surname.V.i.Exceed a number: 多了三個 three more than listed or expected;come as surplus: 多下來,多出(來), see 多餘 [duo1yU2]↓.Adj. & adv.(1)  Much or many (in Chin. not distinguished) opp. 少 [shao3]: 多少 [duo1shao3]↓;好多,很多,許多 very many (much);太多 too many (much);多是,多係 (as adv.) mostly are;多有 mostly have;多次 many times;多年朋友 friend of many years;多管閒事 like to meddle in affairs;多愁善感 prone to illness and melancholy;多災多難 dogged with misfortunes and mishaps;好事多磨 the course of love (or other worthy projects) seldom runs smooth;多聞多見 widely experienced;多聞闕疑 (Confu.) be well-informed and suspend judgment on things in doubt;多才多藝 versatile;多財善賈 (pr. [gu3]) it's easy to do business when you have the capital;多此一舉 carry coal to Newcastle, superfluous action.(2)  (AC) better: 孰多 which is better.(3)  Demonstrably: 多見其不知量也 just shows how much be overrates himself.Adv.(1)  In 得多 after vb. or adj., much: 好得多 much better;難得多 much more difficult;病好多了 the sickness is much better.(2)  (*[duo2]) How (as exclamation or question): 多大 how big? or how big! 多久,多長,多遠 how much time, how long, how far (? or !);多沒出息 how useless (of person)! 多不要臉 how shameless;多麼,多會兒 [duo1mo0], [duo1hui0er0]↓.Words1. 多寶(兒) [duo1bao3ge2]([er0]), n., curio stand with many sections.2. 多半 [duo1ban4], adj. & adv., most, mostly, the greater half.3. 多般 [duo1ban1], adv., in so many ways.4. 多妻制 [duo1qi1zhi4], n., polygamy; cf. [duo1fu1zhi4]↓.5. 多情 [duo1qing2], adj., greatly enamored; warm (friend): 多情種子 a great lover.6. 多端 [duo1duan1], adv., in many ways, on many occasions (create trouble).7. 多多 [duo1duo1], adv., a great deal: 請你多多指教 I welcome a great deal of advice; 多多益善 the more, the better.8. 多方 [duo1fang1], adv., see [duo1duan1]↑.9. 多夫制 [duo1fu1zhi4], n., polyandry.10. 多寡 [duo1gua3], n., number, frequency (LL for vern. 多少 [duo1shao3]↓): 戶口之多寡 density or number of population.11. 多故 [duo1gu4], phr., (LL) 國家多故 many troubles, crises, in the nation.12. 多會兒 *[duo2hui0er0], adv., when, see [duo1er0], [duo1zan0]↓.13. 多角形 [duo1jiao3xing2], n. & adj., polygon, -al.14. 多虧 [duo1kui1], adv., luckily: 多虧他來了 luckily he came.15. 多兒 [duo1er0], adv., (1) how much: 多兒錢 how much does it cost? (2) in little while: 打多兒就要來看你 will soon come to see you, see [duo1zao0wa3er0]↓.16. 多量 [duo1liang4], adv., in great quantities: 多量收入 great income.17. 多禮 [duo1li3], adj., overcourteous.18. 多面體 [duo1mian4ti3], n., polyhedron, form with many angles or sides.19. 多麼 *[duo2mo0], adv., how (exclam. or question): 多麼好 how good (? or !); 多麼難受,可憐 how embarrassed, pitiful!20. 多少 [duo1shao3], adv. & adj. & n., (1) more or less: 多少有關係 more or less related; also 多多少少; (2) how much: 多少錢 how much does it cost? or how much money? 多少歲 how old (is a person); 剩了多少 how much is left? 不知埋沒多少英雄好漢 has prevented the emergence of I do not know how many heroes.21. 多神教 [duo1shen2jiao4], n., polytheism.22. 多相制 [duo1xiang4zhi4], n., (phys.) polyphase system of electric current.23. 多項式 [duo1xian4shi4], n., (math.) polynomial or multinomial.24. 多嫌 [duo1xian2], v.t., dislike (person).25. 多謝 [duo1xie4], phr., many thanks.26. 多心 [duo1xin1], adj., distrustful, oversensitive (to remarks).27. 多數 [duo1shu4], n., most, greater part or number: 多數的人不贊成 the majority oppose it; 沉默的多數 the silent majority.28. 多事 [duo1shi4], adj., troublesome, meddling: 多事之秋 year of many troubles; meddlesome; 不必你多事,你真多事 you can well stay out.29. 多頭 [duo1tou2], n., usu. in 做多頭 (stock exchange) one who buys up stocks, a bull, bullish.30. 多采(彩)多姿 [duo1cai3duo1zi1], adj., magnificent, impressive, many-faceted (personality, performance).31. 多次 [duo1ci4], adv., many times.32. 多咱 *[duo2zan0], adv., when (can you finish, etc.?) (possibly short for 多早晚兒 [duo2zao0wa3er0]↓), also wr. 多喒,偺.33. 多早晚兒 *[duo2zao0wa3er0], adv., when (can you come, etc.?); soon, in a short time: 多早晚兒就來.34. 多嘴 [duo1zui3], v.i., talk too much or out of place.35. 多足類 [duo1zu2lei4], n., (zoo.) myriapod.36. 多疑 [duo1yi2], adj., distrustful, prone to suspect.37. 多元論 [duo1yUan2lun4], n., pluralism.38. 多餘 [duo1yU2] ([duo1yU0]), n. & adj., surplus, leftover, more than what is due: 你這話是多餘了 what you say is uncalled for or not necessary.多多 [duo1duo1], adv., a great deal: 請你多多指教 I welcome a great deal of advice;多a.many[后接复数名词]许多的,多的much(more , most ) [后接不可数名词;在口语中,除用以修饰主语或与 how, too, as, so 连用外,多用于否定句和疑问句]多的,大量的heavy大量的,多的;浓密的;密集的abundant大量的,多的;充足的fertile〈废〉多的,丰富的plentiful丰富的,充足的;多的lousy〈口〉大量的,多的 (with)galore[用在名词后面]多的;大量的mucho(许)多的,大量的ad.better〈美〉多(于) (than)n.abundance大量,多;丰富;充足galore〈罕〉多;大量mickle多(的)phr.many a[后接单数名词]许多的,多的;一个又一个的多1. many; much; plenty2. surplus; excess3. more than; over4. to have plenty of5. much; much more6. expression of surprise or doubt as to the quality of adjective following多poly-双向☞盲点--多多[duō]形1. many; much; more♦ 很~人 many people♦ 要办的事情很~。 There are many things to attend to.♦ 时间紧迫, 我不能~考虑。 Time is running out, I can't give it much thought.♦ 请~~帮助。 Please give me all the help you can.2. excessive♦ ~疑 oversensitive; oversuspicious; given to suspicion动1. have (a specified amount) more or too much♦ 这个句子~了一个字。 There is one word too many in this sentence.♦ 班上~了三个新同学。 There are three more new students in the class.2. have sth. in abundance♦ 南方~水, 利于灌溉。 Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.♦ 这里春天~风, 夏天~雨。 Here we have a lot of wind in spring and a lot of rain in summer.♦ 夏天~痢疾。 There is a high incidence of dysentery in summer.助over a specified amount; and more♦ 三个~月 more than three months; three months and more♦ 六十~岁 over sixty years old♦ 十斤~ ten jin and more副1. (used in questions) to what extent♦ 他~大年纪了? How old is he?♦ 天安门有~高? How high is Tian'anmen?♦ ~厚的木板才能做桌面呢? How thick must a piece of wood be if it is to be made into a table top?2. (used in exclamations) to what an extent♦ 这天儿~闷哪! How sultry it is!♦ 看她~漂亮! Look how pretty she is!3. to an unspecified extent♦ 有~大劲儿使~大劲儿。 Put out all the strength you have.




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