

单词 外汇兑换券
释义 外汇兑换券 wàihuì duìhuànquànforeign-exchange certificate外汇兑换券简称“外汇券”。我国自1980年4月1日起经国务院批准授权由中国银行发行的,含有外汇价值的人民币凭证,它与人民币等值foreign exchange certificate外汇兑换券是一种含有外汇价值的人民币凭证。 Foreign exchange certificates are a type of RMB certificate with a foreign exchange value.中国银行近日发出关于延长外汇兑换券收兑期限的公告。 In recent days, the Bank of China made an announcement about extending the period in which foreign exchange certificates can be exchanged.外汇兑换券1. foreign exchange certificate




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