

释义 外1. out2. outside外 wàiI b.f./suf.1) outside; exterior (外头, 外面)2) other (另外, 以外)3) appearance (外表)4) foreign; external (外国, 外省)5) abroad (国外)6) unofficial; informal (外传)7) on one's mother's/sisters'/daughters' side (外祖母, 外孙)8) public (对外开放)II n.opera elderly man's role外wàioutsidein additionforeignexternal外 n. 参见:外边[wàibian];外部在门外等候 wait outside the door住在城外 live outside the city到城外去 leave the city扔到窗外 throw out the window站在窗外 stand outside the window往外走 walk out党外 outside the Party党外人士 public figures outside the Party在600里地外 600 li away请勿外传。 Please do not tell anyone.在范围外 outside the limit在职权范围外 outside the limit of one's authority参见:外国[wàiguó]母亲、姐妹、女儿方面的亲戚prefix used to refer to relatives of one's mother, sisters, or daughters外祖父 maternal grandfather外孙 daughter's son老年男子角色【剧】old man's role adj. 表面的outside别的other外校 other schools非正式的;非正规的informal; irregular关系疏远的not closely related外 wài 名 (外面) outside; external side:  名声在外 be well-known;  校外 outside the school (外国) foreign country:  古今中外 modern or ancient times, China or foreign countries;  对外贸易 trade with foreign countries; foreign trade (以外) besides; beyond; in addition:  此外 besides; into the bargain;  除外 except; not including; not counting 形 (外边的) outer; outward; external:  外套 outerwear; outer garment;  外分泌 external secretion (指自己所在地以外的) other:  外县 other county;  外来干部 an outside cadre; cadre transferred from other place; cadres not native to the locality (称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚) on one's mother's, sister's or daughter's side:  外甥儿 sister's son; nephew;  外甥女 sister's daughter; niece (关系疏远的) not closely related:  外人 stranger; outsider; alien;  你太见外了。 You regarded me as an outsider. (非正式的; 非正规的) informal; unofficial:  外号 nickname;  外史 unofficial history 副 (向外; 往外) abroad; outward; out:  外嫁 marry abroad or marry out;  外露 leak out (另外) extra; moreover:  外加 additionally; extra 林语堂林语堂★◀▶外外 1385A20  92S.21-5  部居  畫數 5ㄨㄞˋ [wai4] N.(1)  (Chin. opera) an elderly man's role.(2)  The outside, external side, foreign country: 對內對外 internal and external;國外 outside the country;出外 not at home, gone abroad;世外 out of this world;例外 exception to rule;意外,意料之外 unexpected happening;話外之意 idea not expressed in words;圈外 outside the circle;校外 outside the school;女主內,男主外 woman takes care of the house, man the outside, hence 外子 [wai4zi3]↓;外強中乾 appear rich and successful, but actually in financial trouble;見外, (court.) 不要見外 do not refuse my gift, invitation (“regard me as outside your circle of friends”).Adj.(1)  External: 外面,外邊 [wai4mian4], [wai4bian1]↓;外表 [wai4biao3]↓;外傷 external injury.(2)  Foreign: 外交 [wai4jiao1], 外國 [wai4guo2], 外貨,外賓 [wai4huo4], [wai4bin1], etc.↓, 外邦人 the Gentiles (said by Jews).(3)  On wife’s or mother's side: 外公,外婆,外戚 [wai4gong1], [wai4po2], [wai4qi1]↓.Adv.Abroad: 外放 sent abroad as official;外露 leak out;外嫁 marry abroad or marry out;外傳 (gossip) spread abroad.Words1. 外擺線 [wai4bai3xian4], n., (geom.) epicycloid.2. 外半徑 [wai4ban4jing4], n., (geom.) circum-radius.3. 外表 [wai4biao3], n., external appearance.4. 外邊 [wai4bian1], n., outside (rumor, light etc.); border region: 外邊兒 outside, also the outer edge of bed.5. 外賓 [wai4bin1], n., foreign guest or visitor.6. 外部 [wai4bu4], n., (1) outside (of body), outside part; (2) short for 外交部 [wai4jiao1bu4]↓.7. 外場 [wai4chang3], n., (1) outside area; 外場人 man versed in social intercourses; (2) (baseball) outfielder: 外場員.8. 外城 [wai4cheng2], n., the outer city.9. 外戚 [wai4qi1], n., wife’s or mother's relatives.10. 外欠 [wai4qian4], n., external debt.11. 外親 [wai4qin1], n., wife’s or mother's relatives.12. 外勤 [wai4qin2], n., field work, work not inside office: 外勤記者 reporter.13. 外曲球 [wai4qU1qiu2], n., (baseball) an outcurve ball.14. 外圈 [wai4qUan1], n., outer circle.15. 外旦 [wai4dan4], n., (Yuarn drama) a homely female role.16. 外道 [wai4dao4], (1) n., (Budd.) not orthodox teaching: 有了外道兒了 indulging in immoral conduct; (2) ([wai4dao0]) adj., standing on ceremonies, treating person as one of outer circles of friends.17. 外電路 [wai4dian4lu4], n., external (electric) circuit; 外電阻 external (electric) resistance.18. 外動詞 [wai4dong4ci2], n., transitive verb (v.t.).19. 外耳 [wai4er3], n., external ear.20. 外方 [wai4fang1], n., outside area, outside world.21. 外藩 [wai4fan2], n., a prince's domain in border province.22. 外分泌腺 [wai4fen1mi4shan4], n., (biol.) external secretion glands.23. 外敷 [wai4fu1], adj., (of med.) for external application.24. 外感 [wai4gan3], n., (Chin. med.) effect of weather, heat or cold.25. 外姑 [wai4gu1], n., (dial.) wife's mother.26. 外褂(子) [wai4gua4]([zi0]), n., overjacket.27. 外官 [wai4guan1]1, n., official in the province.28. 外觀 [wai4guan1]2, n., external appearance.29. 外光劇場 [wai4guang1jU4chang3], n., open air theater.30. 外公 [wai4gong1], n., maternal grandfather.31. 外功(兒) [wai4gong1]([er0]), n., bodily training in boxing skill, opp. 內功 81.42.32. 外國 [wai4guo2], n., a foreign country.33. 外行 [wai4hang2], adj., being a layman, amateurish, not very familiar on subject.34. 外號兒 [wai4hao4er0], n., nickname, assumed name, alias.35. 外呼吸 [wai4hu1xi1], n., (biol.) external respiration.36. 外話 [wai4hua4], n., vulgar speech.37. 外患 [wai4huan4], n., external trouble of country.38. 外懷裡 [wai4huai2li0], n., outside seat.39. 外匯 [wai4hui4], n., foreign remittance, exchange.40. 外貨 [wai4huo4], n., imported goods.41. 外找兒 [wai4zhao3er0], n., formerly, extra incomes.42. 外債 [wai4zhai4], n., foreign debts.43. 外宅 [wai4zhai2], n., outer house; (MC) a kept mistress living outside.44. 外罩(兒) [wai4zhao4]([er0]), n., outer garment serving like overcoat.45. 外症 [wai4zheng4], n., surface diseases.46. 外加 [wai4jia1]1, phr., in addition, additional (expense, etc.).47. 外家 [wai4jia1]2, n., (1) wife's maiden home; (2) a kept mistress or her apartment.48. 外角 [wai4jiao3], n., (math.) exterior angle.49. 外間 [wai4jian0], n., outside; 外間兒 [wai4jia1er0], court or rooms nearer the gate.50. 外交 [wai4jiao1], n., diplomacy; 外交官 diplomat; n., 外交部 [wai4jiao1bu4], n., Ministry of Foreign Affairs.51. 外界 [wai4jie4], n., those not connected with a group: 外界人士 outside people, the public.52. 外淨 [wai4jing4], n., see 淨 63A.00.53. 外景 [wai4jing3], n., (cinema) outdoor shots; background of house.54. 外舅 [wai4jiu4], n., (dial.) wife's father.55. 外集 [wai4ji2]1, n., later supplement to author's works.56. 外籍 [wai4ji2]2, n., foreign nationality.57. 外中比 [wai4zhong1bi3], n., (math.) extreme and mean ratio.58. 外種皮 [wai4zhong3pi2], n., (bot.) hard outer covering of a seed, testa.59. 外痔 [wai4zhi4], n., external piles.60. 外科 [wai4ke1], n., surgery; 外科醫生 a surgeon; 外科手術 a surgical operation; 美容外科 plastic surgery.61. 外客 [wai4ke4], n., a stranger, visitor; foreign visitor.62. 外快 [wai4kuai4], n., extra income besides salary.63. 外流 [wai4liu2], phr., outflow; 人才外流 brain drain.64. 外路 [wai4lu0], n., as in 外路客商 salesman or business representative from other cities.65. 外貌 [wai4mao4], n., outside appearance, looks.66. 外面 [wai4mian4], n., outside; also 外面兒; 外面皮兒 the superficial look of things.67. 外膜 [wai4mo2], n., (biol.) external membrane.68. 外男 [wai4nan2], n., nephew, see [wai4sheng1]↓.69. 外胚乳 [wai4pei1ru3], n., (bot.) perisperm.70. 外胚葉 [wai4pei1ye4], n., (bot.) ectoblast, outer layer of embryo.71. 外撇子 [wai4pie3zi0], n., one considered an “outsider” in a group.72. 外婆 [wai4po2], n., maternal grandmother.73. 外人 [wai4ren2], n., (1) outsider, one not regarded as a friend: 你我不是外人 we are friends; (2) foreigner.74. 外傷 [wai4shang1], n., trauma.75. 外省 [wai4sheng3], n., another province: 外省人 person from another province.76. 外臀 [wai4shen4], n., the testicles.77. 外甥(兒) [wai4sheng0]([er0]), n., nephew.78. 外甥女 [wai4sheng1nU3], n., niece.79. 外線 [wai4xian4]1, n., person or persons making outside contact for a secret group; “front,” see [wai4wei2]↓.80. 外縣 [wai4xian4]2, n., another county.81. 外項 [wai4xiang4]1, n., (math.) extremes.82. 外相 [wai4xiang4]2, n., foreign minister.83. 外鄉 [wai4xiang1], n., (from) another part of the country: 外鄉人兒 such person; 外鄉口音 foreign accent.84. 外銷 [wai4xiao1], n., export (business, goods).85. 外姓 [wai4xing4], n., not of the same clan name.86. 外手 [wai4shou3], n., the outer side or edge (of bed, etc.).87. 外氏 [wai4shi4]1, n., family of mother's relatives.88. 外室 [wai4shi4]2, n., a kept mistress living outside; see [wai4zhai2]↑.89. 外四路兒 [wai4shi4lu4er0], n., not close relatives, strangers to the family.90. 外旋神經 [wai4xUan2shen2jing1], n., (physiol.) abducent nerves.91. 外史 [wai4shi3], n., unofficial history.92. 外祟 [wai4sui0], n., ghosts of strangers, not of one's own relatives; person who is a pest.93. 外孫(子) [wai4sun1]([zi0]), n., daughter's son; n., 外孫女(兒)n., daughter's daughter.94. 外套(兒) [wai4tao4er0], n., overcoat, outer garment.95. 外套膜 [wai4tao4mo2], n., (zoo.) mantle.96. 外頭 [wai4tou0], n., outside.97. 外才 [wai4cai2], n., extrovert ability for meeting situations, business problems.98. 外族 [wai4zu2], n., foreign tribe or clan.99. 外祖母 [wai4zu2mu3], n., maternal grandmother.100. 外祖 [wai4zu3], n., maternal grandfather.101. 外資 [wai4zi1], n., foreign capital.102. 外子 [wai4zi3], n., woman's reference to her husband; opp. 內子 man's reference to wife.103. 外外 [wai4wai0], n., (dial.) nephew.104. 外圍 [wai4wei2], n., outer circles, not inner core; Communist “front.”105. 外翁 [wai4weng1], n., maternal grandfather.106. 外務 [wai4wu4], n., (1) foreign affairs; (2) not one's own business.107. 外侮 [wai4wu3], n., humiliations by foreign country.108. 外秧兒 [wai4yang1er0], n., (sl.) outsider, not of one's group.109. 外延 [wai4yan2]1, n., (logic) extension.110. 外焰 [wai4yan2]2, n., (phys.) outer flame.111. 外洋 [wai4yang2], n., oceans outside China, foreign countries in gen.112. 外野手 [wai4ye2shou3], n.,(baseball) outfielder, see [wai4chang3]↑.113. 外援 [wai4yUan2], n., foreign aid.114. 外遇 [wai4yU4], n., lover outside marriage.外外 [wai4wai0], n., (dial.) nephew.外a.external外面的,外部的;【动】【解】外的外1. external2. outer; outside3. of a foreign country4. not of one's own family, clan, class, coterie, locality, school, etc.5. besides6. beyond; above外EXT(exterior, external)外external外exo双向☞(词头)下[部]--低--外双向☞[词头]下[部]--外--次双向☞外部--外外[wài]名1. outer; outward; outside♦ 窗~ outside the window2. a role for old men in traditional opera形1. other♦ 外埠 2. foreign; external♦ 外国 3. (relatives) of one's mother, sisters or daughters♦ 外孙 4. unofficial♦ 外传 5. not of the same organization, class, etc.; not closely related♦ 见外 副besides; in addition; beyond♦ 预算~的开支 extra-budgetary expenditure♦ 计划~的项目 projects not included in the plan




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