

单词 处分
释义 文馨英漢☞處分处分 chǔfènI v.1) discipline/punish sb.2) deal with (a matter); make a decision/arrangementII n.disciplinary action这个处分太重了。 This disciplinary action is too severe.处分chǔfènto discipline sbto punishdisciplinary actionto deal with (a matter)CL:个[gè]处分参见:处罚[chǔfá]刑事处分 criminal sanction行政处分 administrative disciplinary measure纪律处分 disciplinary punishment党内处分 internal party sanction给予组织处分 impose disciplinary measures给予记大过的处分 record a serious demerit免于处分 exempt from punishment处理安排<书>to manage处分 chǔ fèn take disciplinary action against; punish; punishment:  党内处分 disciplinary action within the Party;  给某人纪律处分 take disciplinary measures against sb.;give sb. disciplinary punishment;  罚款处分 monetary penalty;  免予处分 exempt sb. from punishment;  行政处分 administrative disciplinary measure;  予以警告处分 give sb. disciplinary warning;  处分职工 imposition of sanctions against staff and workers;  最高处分 ultimate disciplinary measure 处分权 disposition; 处分行为{律} act of disposition处分n.discipline惩罚,处罚,处分处分1. to take disciplinary action against2. disciplinary action处分Disposition处分1. take disciplinary action against; punish♦ 免予~ exempt sb. from punishment♦ 党内~ disciplinary action within the Party♦ 行政~ administrative disciplinary measure2. 书 handle; manage; deal with




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