

单词 声称
释义 文馨英漢☞聲稱声称 shēngchēngprofess; claim他声称是专家。 He claimed he was an expert.声称shēngchēngto claimto stateto proclaimto assert声称to claim他声称自己与这件事无关。 He claims he had nothing to do with it.声称 shēng chēng profess; claim; assert; declare:  声称实有其事 assert (declare) that it is true;  声称已打破僵局 claim to have broken the deadlock;  有人声称... It is claimed that ...;  声称被恶意中伤 allegation of malice;  声称被欺诈 allegation of fraud;  声称被强奸 allegation of rape;  声称无效 allegation of invalidity;  他始终声称他有分享那笔遗产的权利。 He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage.  律师声称被告无罪。 The lawyer claims that the accused was not guilty. 声称n.claim声称;主张;断言supposal〈废〉声称,宣称vi.profess表白;声称;承认vt.allow〈美方〉说,声称,认为;打算,计划claim声称;主张;断言announce声称,述说pretend自称,自命,声称allege断言;宣称,声称;(证据不足地)硬说contend声称,主张,认为profess表示;声称;承认purport声称;自称;假充phr.serve notice宣称,声称声称1. to profess; to claim; to assert; to purport; to make out声称profess; claim; assert♦ ~已打破僵局 claim to have broken the deadlock




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