

单词 声情并茂
释义 声情并茂 shēngqíngbìngmàosing beautifully and with feeling声情并茂shēngqíngbìngmào(of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom)声情并茂形容演讲、说话、演唱、演奏时声音铿锵悦耳,感情充沛动人to be in good voice and deliver with feeling他声情并茂地向与会者讲述了如何做人做事的道理。 He skilfully and passionately told participants the principles of how to conduct oneself and one's business.声情并茂地演唱歌曲 sing beautifully and with feeling声情并茂 shēng qíng bìng mào sing wonderfully with a silver voice and deep feeling; be both excellent in voice and affection; perform skillfully with beautiful songs and with rich feeling(s)声情并茂(of a singer) be remarkable for both voice and expression




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