

释义 塵1. dirt2. dust3. this world塵塵 890A45  61.11-2  部居  畫數 14ㄔㄣˊ [chen2] N.(1)  Dust, ashes, cinders, dirt: 塵土,塵埃 [chen2tu3], [chen2ai1]↓;灰塵 dust: 塵沙 dust and sand;洗塵 dinner given on s.o.'s return from journey;拂塵 to wipe off the dust (from table, etc.), a duster made of mane;蒙塵 to "bit the dust"--fall in battle, or (emperor) run into mishap, be forced to seek shelter away from capital.(2)  Traces: 塵跡 ditto;絕塵 (of fast runner) leave no track;塵封 (LL) covered with dust.(3)  Turmoil, worldly occupations: 風塵碌碌 busy with worldly affairs;塵囂,塵世,塵俗 [chen2xiao1], [chen2shi4], [chen2su2]↓.(4)  (Budd., Taoist) incarnation: 前塵 previous incarnation;尚隔兩塵 it will be another two incarnations yet.Adj.Worldly, pertaining to present mortal life: 塵凡 [chen2fan2]↓;塵念 worldly thoughts;塵儀 my humble presents.Words1. 塵埃 [chen2ai1], n., dust in the air; (AC) (fig.) dirt.2. 塵表 [chen2biao3], n., world beyond the material things.3. 塵凡 [chen2fan2], n., the present mortal life, this earthly life of the senses.4. 塵垢 [chen2gou4], n., dirt, smear, smudge.5. 塵寰 [chen2huan2], n., this life of the senses; this mortal world.6. 塵界 [chen2jie4], n., the mortal world, as opp. world of saved spirits or Taoist fairies (仙).7. 塵襟 [chen2jin1], n., (modest) my lowly comprehension.8. 塵勞 [chen2lao2], n., (Budd.) worldly occupations.9. 塵累 [chen2lei3], n., duties and obligations of the material life.10. 塵慮 [chen2lU4], n., worldly thoughts and occupations.11. 塵囂 [chen2xiao1], adj. & v.i., sensational, noisy (events).12. 塵心 [chen2xin1], n., worldly thoughts or mind.13. 塵世 [chen2shi4], n., see [chen2jie4]↑.14. 塵俗 [chen2su2], adj. & n., vulgar (world).15. 塵土 [chen2tu3], n., dust; soil.16. 塵網 [chen2wang3], n., the "trap" of material concerns, "rat race."17. 塵妄 [chen2wang4], adj., (Budd.) unclean and untrue (thoughts, beliefs).18. 塵外 [chen2wai4], n., see [chen2biao3]↑.19. 塵務 [chen2wu4], n., worldly affairs or occupations.20. 塵緣 [chen2yUan2], n., emotional involvements; love affair.




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