

释义 城1. the walls of a city城 chéng1) wall2) city wall3) city; town城chéngcity wallscitytownCL:座[zuò],道[dào],个[gè]城 n. 参见:城墙[chéngqiáng]参见:城区[chéngqū]东城 eastern part of the city城市city城里 in the city城外 outside the city城北 north of the city山城 mountain city以某一方向经营为主的大型服务实体或专业市场large commercial centre(Britain); large commercial center(US)在热河路上的下关影城广场前,高分贝的大音箱里正播放着喧嚣刺耳的摇滚乐曲。 Large high-decibel speakers in front of the Xiaguan multiplex plaza on Rehe Rd are playing a din of loud rock music.如今电子商城与大众文化流行。 Electronic malls and mass culture are popular now.城 chéng 名 (城墙) city wall; wall:  长城 the Great Wall;  城外 outside the city (city wall) (城墙以内的地方; 城区) city:  东(西)城 the eastern (western) part of the city;  内(外)城 inner (outer) city (城市) town:  城乡差别 the difference between town and country;  城乡商品交流 the interflow of commodities between the urban and rural areas (姓氏) a surname:  城浑 Cheng Hun 林语堂林语堂★◀▶城城 205C05  11A.71-7  部居  畫數 9ㄔㄥˊ [cheng2] N.City, town: 城市 [cheng2shi4], 城郭 [cheng2guo1]↓;城下之盟 capitulate to the enemy, treaty signed below the city wall to avert destruction;城狐社鼠 city foxes and rats in temples--corrupt officials and gentry (educated rascals) who prey upon the common people.Words1. 城牆 [cheng2qiang2], n., city wall.2. 城池 [cheng2chi2], n., city wall and moat--the city defense.3. 城圈兒 [cheng2chyuaher0], n., the city enclosure.4. 城闕 [cheng2qUe4], n., gate tower.5. 城堞 [cheng2die2], n., battlements, parapets on city wall.6. 城口 [cheng2duo3kou0], n., battlements; projected corners on city wall.7. 城府 [cheng2fu3], n., (1) see [cheng2shi4]↓; (2) prejudices: 城府甚深 deep prejudices; 胸無城府 quite open-minded.8. 城根(兒) [cheng2gen1]([cheng2ge1er0]), n., area directly adjacent to city wall.9. 城郭 [cheng2guo1], n., city wall and 郭 outer city wall--city defense.10. 城濠 [cheng2hao2], n., moat around city.11. 城河 [cheng2he2], n., ditto.12. 城隍 [cheng2huang2], (1) see [cheng2chi2]↑; [cheng2huang2], (2) (also [cheng2huang0]) the justices in Hades presiding over fate of the souls.13. 城樓 [cheng2lou2], n., city tower.14. 城門 [cheng2men2], n., city gate: 城門洞兒 the gate shaped like a tunnel because of the thickness of the wall; 城門樓子 gate tower; 城門臉兒 area just outside city gate.15. 城市 [cheng2shi4], n., the city, as opp. the country 鄉下.16. 城頭 [cheng2tou2], n., the top of city wall.城口 [cheng2duo3kou0], n., battlements; projected corners on city wall.城1. city wall2. (originally) a walled city城[chéng]名1. city wall; wall♦ ~外 outside the city wall; outside the city2. city♦ 外~ outer city♦ 内~ inner city♦ 东~ the eastern part of the city3. town




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