

单词 埋怨
释义 埋怨1. querimony2. to complainABCABC★◀▶埋怨 mányuànblame; complain; grumble别互相埋怨了! Stop your mutual recriminations!埋怨 máiyuànsee mányuàn 埋怨埋怨mányuànto complainto grumble (about)to reproachto blame埋怨to blame埋怨命运 blame fate互相埋怨 blame one another只好埋怨自己 can only blame oneself大伙儿都埋怨咱们。 Everyone is complaining about us.他埋怨我来晚了。 He complained that I was late.他埋怨你不公道。 He blames you for not being fair.你没有预先通知他,他心里在埋怨你。 He blames you for not telling him in advance.埋怨 mán yuàn complain; blame; grumble; murmur at:  过多的埋怨 a surfeit of complaints;  互相埋怨 blame one another;  为那件事而埋怨我是不太公平的。 It's not very fair to blame me for that.  他老爱埋怨。 He's always grumbling.  她埋怨他粗枝大叶。 She complained of his carelessness.; She complained that he was careless. 埋怨 [mai2yUan0], v.i. & t., conceive grudge against person; put blame on (person).埋怨n.rap〈口〉苛责,尖锐批评;埋怨carp牢骚,埋怨vi.kick〈口〉埋怨;反对;反抗repine〈书〉(因不满而)苦恼,发愁;埋怨,发牢骚(at, against)pinge〈苏格兰〉〈英方〉埋怨,发牢骚vt.bitch〈口〉抱怨,埋怨grumble埋怨;对…表示不满 (out)phr.cast up〈方〉埋怨,责备埋怨1. to complain; to grumble; to blame; to mutter about; to go on (at sb.); to find fault (with); to repine at (or against); to whine about; to murmur at埋怨blame; complain; grumble♦ 她总是~自己不好, 从不抱怨别人。 She always puts the blame on herself, and never on others.♦ 他的话里有~情绪。 There was a note of complaint in what he said.英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞HATRED英華☞BURY英華☞GALL




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