

单词 坚贞不屈
释义 坚贞不屈 jiānzhēnbùqūbe faithful and unyielding坚贞不屈jiānzhēnbùqūfaithful and unchanging (idiom); steadfast坚贞不屈 jiān zhēn bù qū be (stand) firm and unyielding; remain faithful (steadfast) and unyielding:  在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里, 他始终坚贞不屈。 Through those long years of imprisonment and torture, he remained faithful and unyielding. 坚贞不屈1. to remain faithfully and unyieldingly; to stand firmly and unbendingly坚贞不屈remain faithful and unyielding




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