

释义 坐1. to sit2. to ride3. to take a seat坐 zuòI v.1) sit; take a seat2) travel by (plane/etc.)我坐错了车。 I've taken the wrong bus.3) sink; subside (from pressure)4) recoil; kick back5) be punished6) have its back toward (of a building)7) put (a pan, pot, kettle, etc.) on a fire8) bear (fruit); form (seed)II n.seat; placeIII adv. wr.1) because; owing to2) for no reason at all坐Zuòsurname Zuozuòto sitto take a seatto take (a bus, airplane etc)to bear fruitvariant of 座[zuò]坐 n. 参见:坐位[zuòwei] prep. 因为<书>because坐此解职 be dismissed because of this v. 坐着;坐下to sit; to sit down整天坐着 sit all day架着腿坐 sit cross-legged坐下来工作 sit down and work坐正 sit straight坐紧些 sit a bit closer together往边上坐 sit on the edge坐过来些 sit a bit closer坐到散场 sit until the end of the performance坐得太久 sat for too long坐累了 get tired from sitting坐得两腿发麻 sit for so long one's legs go numb请坐。 Please sit down.坐下! Sit down!扶人坐下 help someone sit down没有地方坐 there is no place to sit坐不下 not enough space to sit down坐不住 cannot stay sitting down坐不住的人 restless person把屁股坐到...那一边去 park oneself over by the ...他坐在椅子上睡着了。 He fell asleep sitting on the chair.稳坐江山 be in full control of the country乘to take坐车 take the bus坐轮船 take a ferry坐飞机 take the plane我们坐了五天火车。 We were on the train for five days.我是坐公共汽车来的。 I came on the bus.参见:坐落[zuòluò]大楼坐北朝南。 The building faces south.放to place把锅子坐在炉火上 place the pot on the stove形成疾病to contract a disease他已经坐下了腰疼的病根儿。 He has lumbago.瓜果结实to bear fruit坐瓜 bear melons定罪to sentence反坐 sentence a false accuser连坐 sentence for being an accomplice坐以犯杀人罪 sentence for murder枪炮射击时向后移动;下沉to recoil; to subside步枪的坐劲儿不小 the rifle has a strong recoil房子向后坐了。 The house has subsided backwards. adv. 无缘无故for no reason坐 zuò 动 (臀部放在物体上支持体重) sit; be seated; take a seat:  坐在沙发上 sit in a sofa;  坐下来谈谈 sit down for a chat (乘; 搭) travel by; take:  坐火车旅行 travel by train;  坐公共汽车上班 take a bus to work (房屋背对着某一方向) have the back towards:  这所房子坐北朝南。 This house faces south. (把锅、壶等放在炉火上) put (a pan, kettle, etc.) on a fire:  坐一壶水 put a kettle of cold water on (the fire) (建筑物由于基础不稳固而下沉) (of a building) sink; subside:  这堵墙往后坐了。 The wall is beginning to slope backwards. (枪炮由于反作用而向后移动) (of rifles, guns, etc.) recoil; kick back:  这支老式步枪坐得厉害。 The old rifle kicks badly. (瓜果等植物结实) bear (fruit); form (seed):  坐果 bear fruits (指定罪) be punished; be accused for crime:  连坐 be implicated in crime;  反坐 be punished for unfounded accusation against another 名 (坐位) seat; place:  就坐 sit in one's seat (姓氏) a surname:  坐春 Zuo Chun 介 (书) (因为) because; for the reason that:  坐此解职 be dismissed on this account; be relieved of one's duties for this reason 副 (表示无缘无故) for no reason at all; without cause or reason坐坐 353C45  22.11  部居  畫數 7ㄗㄨㄛˋ [zuo4] N.Interch. 座 a seat.V.i. & t.(1)  Sit: 坐下 sit down;坐定 sit quietly;坐好,坐正 sit properly;坐立不安 feel uneasy, restless, whether sitting or standing;坐冷板凳 “be put in cold storage,” be given the cold shoulder;坐紅椅子 be the last of a number of successful candidates (allu. to the practice of making a check (□) with red ink at the end of a list of such candidates);坐家兒女 an unmarried girl;坐井觀天 take a narrow view of things, (“see the sky from the bottom of a well”);如坐針氈 feel extremely uneasy (“like sitting on a pincushion”);坐以待斃 resign oneself to death;坐以待旦 quietly wait for the day to dawn;坐失良機 let a golden opportunity slip by;坐觀成敗 wait to see how s.t. succeeds (which side wins);坐吃山空 remain at home and “eat away” a whole fortune;上坐 sit in the seat of honor;正坐,端坐 sit upright;正襟危坐 sit solemnly (“gingerly”) as show of respect;並坐 sit side by side;靜坐 sit in silence, often as a form of physical or spiritual regimen;獨坐 sit alone;告坐 ask leave to sit;列坐 sit in a row;打坐 sit in meditation;請坐 please sit down;趺坐 sit with crossed legs on the ground;陪坐 keep s.o. company.(2)  Go by, ride in (car, boat, airplane).(3)  Go to, arrive at: 坐堂 [zuo4tang2], 坐殿 [zuo4dian4]↓.(4)  (Of things) fall back from pressure: 這堵牆往後坐了 the wall is beginning to give backwards;後坐力 (of a gun) recoil.(5)  Be accused for crime: 反坐 be punished for unfounded accusation against another;連坐 be implicated in crime;坐法 [zuo4fa3]↓.Prep.Owing to, because of: 坐此解職 for this reason he was relieved of his duties.Words1. 坐板瘡 [zuo4ban3chuang1], n., (med.) sores on the buttocks.2. 坐禪 [zuo4chan2], v.i., (Budd.) sit still in Zen meditation.3. 坐床 [zuo4chuang2], (1) v.i., (of the bridegroom and bride (be formally seated on the edge of the bed in the bridal room after the wedding ceremony; (2) n., inaugural ceremony of the Dalai or Panchan Lama in Tibet.4. 坐馳 [zuo4chi2], phr., (LL) thinking far away, though sitting quietly at home.5. 坐大 [zuo4da4], v.i., allow s.o. to wax strong (without doing s.t. to prevent it).6. 坐等兒 [zuo4deng3er0], v.t., sit and wait (for s.t. to happen).7. 坐殿 [zuo4dian4], v.i., see [zuo4tang2]↓.8. 坐地 [zuo4di4], (1) v.i., sit on the ground; (2) adv., on the spot: 坐地分 divide the booty on the spot; adv., 坐地兒 [zuo4di4er0], 坐地窩兒 [zuo4di4woeer0] phr.: (a) to begin with: 他坐地窩兒就不會 he doesn't know how in the first place; (b) right there and then: 坐地窩兒就辦妥了 had it done right away.9. 坐蹲兒 [zuo4dueer0](sp. phr.),, v.i., squat on the heels.10. 坐墩 [zuo4dun1], n., an earthen or procelain stool.11. 坐法 [zuo4fa3], v.i., be punished for crime.12. 坐館 [zuo4guan3], v.i., (1) formerly, be a tutor in a private school; (2) formerly, serve as a secretary to an official.13. 坐關 [zuo4guan1], phr., (Budd.) shut oneself up to chant the sutras and be lost in contemplation for a fixed period of time.14. 坐功 [zuo4gong1], n., (Taoism) the practice of sitting in silence to meditate.15. 坐賈 [zuo4gu3], n., a shopkeeper.16. 坐化 [zuo4hua4], v.i., (Budd.) die remaining seated cross-legged.17. 坐帳 [zuo4zhang4], v.i., see [zuo4chuang2]↑.18. 坐鎮 [zuo4zhen4], v.t., (of a military commander) to garrison (a city area, district).19. 坐騎 [zuo4ji4], n., (MC) one's personal mount.20. 坐莊 [zuo4zhuang1], (1) n, formerly, a resident agent for business firms; [zuo4zhuang1], (2) v.i., be the banker in games of chance.21. 坐鐘 [zuo4zhong1], n., a desk clock.22. 坐致 [zuo4zhi4], v.t., earn (profit) without working for it.23. 坐具 [zuo4jU4], n., chairs and benches.24. 坐科 [zuo4ke1], v.i., be apprenticed in an operatic class in one's tender years.25. 坐客 [zuo4ke4], n., a passenger on boat, etc. (cf. 行客 91B.00).26. 坐扣 [zuo4kou4], v.t., to take deduction (from bill for expenses, etc.).27. 坐困 [zuo4kun4], v.i., to find oneself in a helpless situation.28. 坐兒 [zuo4er0], n., (1) a seat (in a theater, teahouse); (2) (coll.) patrons of saloons, bars, teahouses.29. 坐落 [zuo4luo4], n., the location of a piece of land (a house).30. 坐坡 [zuo4po1], v.i., sit with body leaning backwards: 打坐坡 to sit thus.31. 坐蓐 [zuo4ru4]1, v.i., (of a woman) be in labor.32. 坐褥 [zuo4ru4]2, n., cushion (for sitting on).33. 坐商 [zuo4shang1], n., shopkeeper (opp. 行商 a peddler, traveling trader).34. 坐性 [zuo4xing0], n., ability to sit alone quietly for a long time.35. 坐席 [zuo4xi2], v.i., (of guests) take seats at a dinner party.36. 坐守 [zuo4shou3], v.i., remain patiently to wait or look after s.t.37. 坐食 [zuo4shi2]1, v.i., eat without working for one's living.38. 坐實 [zuo4shi2]2, adj., (1) solid, firm, strong: 桌子做的很坐實 the table is solidly made; (2) substantiated.39. 坐索 [zuo4suo3], v.i., remain at s.o.’s to demand payment of debt.40. 坐討 [zuo4tao3], v.i., ditto.41. 坐堂 [zuo4tang2], v.i., (formerly, of magistrates) sit in court.42. 坐草 [zuo4cao3], v.i., see [zuo4ru4]1↑.43. 坐曹 [zuo4cao2], v.i., (formerly, of bureaucrats) attend office.44. 坐次 [zuo4ci4], n., seating arrangements (for guests).45. 坐罪 [zuo4zui4], v.i., be sentenced by court for crime.46. 坐忘 [zuo4wang4], adj., oblivious of one's surroundings, free from worldly concerns.47. 坐位 [zuo4wei4], n., a seat.48. 坐窩兒 [zuo4wo1er0], adv., see [zuo4di0wo1er0]↑.49. 坐衙 [zuo4ya2], v.i., see [zuo4tang2]↑.50. 坐藥 [zuo4yao4], n., (med.) a suppository.51. 坐夜 [zuo4ye4], v.i., keep vigil in the night, sit up all night.坐a.sitting坐的;坐着做的n.sit坐;坐的一段时间session〈古〉坐,坐的姿势sitting坐,就坐;坐的一段时间vi.SET〈方〉坐sit坐,就座squat〈口〉坐;闲坐;坐着不走 (down)vt.sit使坐,使就座坐1. to sit2. to travel by (a vehicle)坐sitting双向☞夹--容器--架双向☞盒--柄--把坐[zuò]动1. sit♦ 请~。 Please sit down.♦ 请进来~~。 Please come in and sit for a while.♦ 我愿意站着, 你~下吧。 I like to stand, you sit down.♦ 他忽然~起来了。 He sat up suddenly.2. travel by or on (any conveyance except those which one straddles)♦ ~火车(公共汽车) ride on a train (bus)♦ ~火车(公共汽车)去 go by train (bus)♦ ~电梯上去 go up by lift♦ 进来~~。 Come in and sit down for a while.3. (of a building) have its back towards♦ 这所房子~北朝南。 This house faces south.4. put (a pan, pot, kettle, etc.) on a fire♦ 把壶~上 put the kettle on (the fire)5. (of a building) sink; subside♦ 这个房子向后~了。 This house is beginning to slope backwards.6. (of rifles, guns, etc.) recoil; kick back♦ 坐力 7. bear; fruit♦ 坐果 8. be punished♦ 反坐




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