

单词 场面
释义 文馨英漢☞場面场面 chǎngmiàn1) scene; spectacle2) occasion3) appearance; facade4) scope5) opera accompanying musicians6) theater decor7) pageantry场面chǎngmiànscenespectacleoccasionsituation场面舞台、电影场面;小说中的生活情景【剧】scene场面设计 set design别离场面 parting scene伴奏音乐;伴奏人【剧】accompaniment; accompanist文场面 wind and string accompaniment武场面 percussion accompaniment情景occasion激动人心的场面 stirring occasion排场front撑场面 keep up appearances摆场面 put on a front场面 chǎng miàn (戏剧、电影中的场景) scene (in drama, fiction, etc.); spectacle:  悲哀的场面 a sad scene;  离别的场面 a parting scene;  动人的场面 a strong situation;  开幕式典礼是个壮观的场面。 The opening ceremony was a fine spectacle.  作者很善于描写大的场面。 The author is adept in depicting vast scenes. (情景) occasion; scene:  使整个场面活跃起来 enliven the whole scene;  热烈友好的场面 a scene of warm friendship;  盛大的场面 a grand occasion (排场) appearance; front; facade:  撑场面 keep up appearances;  虽然这家人很会撑场面, 其实并不富裕。 Although this family put up quite a front, they really are not very well off. 场面调度 mise-en-scine场面n.picture(舞台上的)场景,场面scene(叙述、实际生活等中的)插曲;事件;场面spectacle公开展示,展览;演出;场面tableau(动人的)画面;场面,场景;艺术性构图scena(歌剧的)场面场面1. a scene (in drama, etc)2. an impressive scene; a tableau3. appearance, impressiveness, and pomp (or the lack of it) of a gathering, event, etc.场面TABLEAU双向☞场面--场景场面1. scene (in drama, fiction, etc.); spectacle♦ 电影里的动人~ a moving scene in a film♦ 作者很善于描写大的~。 The author is adept in depicting grand scenes.2. occasion; scene♦ 盛大的~ a grand occasion♦ 热烈友好的~ a scene of warm friendship3. appearance; front; facade♦ 撑场面场内交易 floor trading~话 polite platitude for the occasion; civil banalities; unctuous words~人 man about town; very sociable personpersonof prestige; celebrity~上 on social occasions; in social life




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