

单词 地头
释义 地头 dìtóu1) edge of a field2) topo. destination3) the place4) print. lower margin (of a page)地头dìtóuplacelocalityedge of a fieldlower margin of a page地头田地的两端edge of a field地头地脑 edges and corners of a field请大家在地头休息一下。 Please all have a break at the side of the field.目的地<方>destination当地<方>this place你地头熟,给我们带路吧 since you're familiar with this place, why don't you lead the way?参见:地脚地头 dì tóu (地边儿) edge of a field  (方) (目的地) the destination  (方) (当地) the place:  你地头熟悉, 联系起来方便。 You know the place well, so you can easily make contacts there.  {刷} (书页下端的空白处) lower margin of a page林语堂当代汉英繁简☞地頭地头1. edge of a field♦ 在~休息一会儿 rest for a moment at the edge of a field (while doing farm work)2. 方 destination3. 方 the place♦ 你~熟悉, 联系起来方便。 You know the place well, so you can easily make contacts there.




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