

单词 在家
释义 在家1. to be at home在家 zàijiā1) be at home; be in2) rel. remain a layman在家在家里to be at home我今天晚上在家。 I will be at home this evening.大家都走了,只有我一人在家。 Everyone has gone and there is only me at home.在家千日好,出门一时难。 When at home, life is always easy, but when one goes out, one might run into trouble in an instant.没出家to not take religious vows在家 zài jiā (在家里) be at home; be in:  有人在家吗? Is there anybody in?  {宗} remain a layman 在家人 {宗} layman在家 [zai4jia1]., (1) n., (Budd.) live at home, not in monastery (opp. 出家 one who has left home and become a monk or nun); (2) adv., at home.在家ad.IN在屋里;在家;在办公室home在家;向家,回家,到家phr.on own ground在家在家1. be at home; be in♦ 你爸~吗? Is your father in?♦ 我们让她~好好休息。 We told her to stay home and have a good rest.2. have not renounced the family and become a monk or nun♦ ~人 layman~办公 telecommuting英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞DOOR英華☞HOME英華☞AT英華☞BE




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