

单词 圆滑
释义 文馨英漢☞圓滑圆滑 yuánhuátactful; slick; diplomatic他为人十分圆滑。 He's a smooth operator in his relations with people.圆滑yuánhuásmooth and evasiveslick and sly圆滑sly圆滑的回答 slick answer说话圆滑 have a smooth tongue圆滑的人 sly person你太圆滑了! you're a smooth operator!圆滑 yuán huá smooth and evasive; slick and sly; be as slippery as an eel; sophisticated; tactful:  圆滑手段 possessing tactful means;  他很圆滑, 什么事情都不肯承担责任。 He is as slippery as an eel and simply refuses to be pinned down on anything. 圆滑隆起部分 torus; 圆滑线 {音} slur圆滑a.smooth圆通的;圆滑的neat圆滑的;讨人喜欢的creamy像奶油般柔滑的,光滑细腻的;(声音)柔和的;(态度等)圆滑的slick圆滑的,油滑的diplomatic有手腕的;策略的;说话办事得体的;圆滑的,婉转的glossy虚有其表的;浮华的;有骗人外观的;显得老于世故的;圆滑的silky(谈吐、举止等)轻柔的,温和的;圆滑的,讨好的silken(谈吐、举止等)轻柔的,温和的;圆滑的,讨好的taffeta光滑的;圆滑的saponaceous容易滑掉的;圆滑的;难以捉摸的eely圆滑的;难以捉摸的sleeky油滑的,圆滑的;狡猾的ad.smooth圆通地;圆滑地slick平滑地;顺溜地;圆滑地diplomatically策略地;圆滑地,婉转地oilily圆滑地,甜言蜜语地n.diplomacy(处理人际关系等的)手腕,手段;策略;圆滑,婉转;得体oiliness圆滑圆滑1. cunning; slick; slippery2. diplomatic; smooth; oily圆滑smooth and evasive; slick and sly♦ 他这个人太~。 He's a sly customer.




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