

单词 图解
释义 文馨英漢☞圖解图解 tújiěI v.1) explain through diagrams2) analyze things in a rigid and oversimplified wayII n.1) diagram; graph; figure2) math. graphic solution图解tújiěillustrationdiagramgraphical representationto explain with the aid of a diagram图解用图表解释to illustrate图解词典 illustrated dictionary图解研究 illustrated study示意图diagram列线图解 nomogram图解 tú jiě (用图形分析演算) diagram; graph; figure; scheme; graphic analysis; schematic demonstration:  用图解说明 explain through diagrams  {数} graphic solution; graphic  {刷} pictorial; illustrated (diagram):  图解词典 pictorial dictionary 图解比例尺 graphic scale; 图解表示(法) graphic representation; 图解代数 {学} graphic algebra; 图解法 {图} graphic method; diagram method; graphical method; graphical solution; graphical treatment; 图解分解法 {系统} diagrammatic decomposition method; 图解分析 graphical analysis; 图解辐射测量法 graphic radial triangulation; 图解航海手册 portolano; 图解积分法 graphical integration; graphic integraph; 图解计算法 graphic calculation; 图解计算机终端装置 graphic computer terminal; 图解计算系统 graphic computing system; 图解阶段 diagram stage; 图解静力学 {力} graphical statics; 图解理论模型(法) graph theory model; 图解平差 graphic adjustment; 图解平均值 graphic mean; 图解剖面 diagrammatic section; 图解器 diagrammeter; 图解设计 {电子} graphical design; 图解实体 graphical entity; 图解式 {化} graphic formula; 图解视图 diagrammatic view; 图解数据 graphical data; 图解显示器 graphoscope; 图解研究 graphic investigation; 图解样方 chart quadrat; 图解最优化 graphical optimization; 图解子程序 graphic subroutine图解a.diagrammatic图(式)的,图表的;图解的n.figure(几何)图表,图解;(书本中的)插图scheme图表;草图,略图;图式,图解graph图;图表;图解;曲线图illustration说明;图解,图示diagram图形,示意图,图表,简图;图解【数】图;图解graphics制图法;制图学;图(示)学;图解学;图解(计算法)pictorialization图示,图解图解1. a diagrammatic explanation or illustration of a subject2. an explanatory chart, diagram, or graph3. [Mathematics] graphic solution图解graphical analysis图解graphical solution图解graphic solution图解illustration图解schematic图解diagram双向☞图--曲线图--用图表示双向☞图解--例证--用图说明双向☞润饰 --实例 --说明双向☞用图说明--例证--图解双向☞图表--图解--曲线图双向☞曲线法--图表--图解双向☞图解--方案--草图双向☞摘要--略图--大意双向☞模式--电路--方案双向☞映射--图解--图双向☞图解--插图双向☞草图--图解双向☞图解--例图解1. diagram; graph; figure♦ 用~说明 explain through diagrams2.数graphic solution♦ ~法 graphic method




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