

单词 国有
释义 国有 guóyǒubelonging to the state; nationalized; state-owned国有guóyǒunationalizedpublicgovernment ownedstate-owned国有state-owned国有财产 state-owned property收归国有 take into state ownership土地收归国有 take land into state ownership国有 guó yǒu belong to the state; be nationalized 国有公司 government-owned corporation; 国有林 national forest; 国有制 stateownership; 国有资本 govermment capital; 国有资产评估 state-owned assets valuation林语堂当代汉英繁简☞國有国有belonging to the nation (or the state); state-owned♦ 土地~ nationalization of land♦ 将私营企业收归~ bring private enterprises under state control~大中型企业 state-run large and medium-sized enterprises~化 convert to national ownership; nationalize




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