单词 | 围城 |
释义 | 围城 wéichéng1) v.o. encircle/besiege a city2) p.w. besieged city围城WéichéngFortress Besieged, 1947 novel by Qian Zhongshu 钱钟书, filmed as a TV serialwéichéngsiegebesieged city围城包围城市to besiege a city围城打援 besiege a city with the aim of attacking the reinforcements which are sent to help被包围的城市besieged city比喻对婚姻或家庭的一种约束力bonds of marriage and family; like a besieged city, those outside want to get in, while those inside want to get out刚从“围城”里走出来的张先生。 Mr Zhang, who has just left the bonds of marriage.有情人最美满的结局就是“终成眷属”,但另外一些人把它叫做“走入围城”。 The best ending for lovers is to get "happily married", but other people call this "entering a besieged city"围城 wéi chéng (包围城市) encircle a city; besiege a city (被围城市) besieged city围城n.siege包围,围困;围攻;围城;围攻期间围城1. to encircle a city; to besiege a city; to lay siege to a city2. a besieged city; a beleaguered city围城1. encircle (or besiege) a city2. besieged city |
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