

单词 团结
释义 文馨英漢☞團結团结 tuánjié1) unite; rally2) agglomerate团结tuánjiéto uniteunitysolidarityunited团结互相结合to unite团结大多数 unite the majority团结一切可以团结的力量 unite all the strength that can be united政治团结 political unity亲密的团结 close unity团结涣散 unity slackens兄弟般的团结 as close as brothers巩固民族团结 solidify national unity加强团结 solidify unity破坏团结 break unity团结就是力量。 Unity is strength.团结一致 complete unity团结在一起 unite together团结对敌 unite against the enemy团结起来,争取更大的胜利 unite and achieve an even greater victory军民团结一家亲 army and the people, as united as one family友好friendly不团结的现象 unfriendliness团结 tuán jié unite; rally:  发扬团结战斗的精神 carry forward the spirit of solidarity and militancy;  团结奋斗 concerted struggle; make concerted efforts;  团结绝大多数 unite the great majority;  团结一切可以团结的力量 unite with all forces that can be united;  团结-批评-团结 unity-criticism-unity 团结a.solid团结的;全体一致的united团结的;一致的;和睦的consolidated联合的,统一的;团结的cohesive团结的,结合的unitive联合的;统一的;团结的n.union团结;一致;融洽unity团结;联合;统一(性);一致(性);整体性cohesion团结,结合communality(集体内)团结一致的感情;意见一致;团结vi.rally集合;团结;扶助,支持unite团结;联合;联合行动,一致行动cement团结solidify团结,成一致vt.rally召集,集合;团结unite使团结;使联合;使统一cement巩固,使团结solidify使团结,使一致phr.keep together(使)协调一致;(使)团结bring together使团结,使联合团结1. united2. to unite国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞团结--连带团结unite; rally♦ ~一致 unite as one♦ ~就是力量。 Unity is strength.♦ ~、紧张、严肃、活泼。 Be united, alert, earnest and lively.




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