

释义 因1. cause2. reason3. because of4. to follow因 yīnI conj.because; as老师因生病今天不能来上课。 The teacher can't teach his class today because of illness.II cov. wr.wr. on the basis of; on account ofIII b.f.1) cause; reason (原因)2) carry on; continue (因循)3) rely on; accord withIV cons.因 A ér V: to V because of A因病而逝 die because of illness因yīnold variant of 因[yīn]yīncausereasonbecause因 n. 原因reason事出有因 this happened for a reason prep. 根据<书>on the basis of参见:因为[yīnwèi]因病请假 apply for leave due to illness会议因故改期 the meeting time was changed for some reason v. 沿袭<书>to carry on因 yīn 动 (书) (沿袭) follow; carry on:  陈陈相因 follow a set routine; stay in the same old groove 介  (书) (凭藉; 根据) on the basis of; in accordance with; in the light of:  疗效因人而异。 The curative effect varies from person to person. (由于; 因为) because of; as a result of:  他因锅炉爆炸而受伤。 He was injured as the result of a boiler explosion.  因雨, 比赛延期了。 The game was postponed because of rain. 名 (原因)cause; reason:  近(内; 外)因 immediate (internal; external) cause;  事出有因。 There is good reason for it.; It is by no means accidental. (姓氏) a surname:  因礼 Yin Li 连 (因为) because; for:  因病请假 ask for sick leave;  我们不能去,因天正下着雨。 We can't go, for it is raining.  我们在加油站停下来,因我们需要加油。 We stopped at the filling station because we needed gasoline. 因因 633A50  41.41-1  部居  畫數 6ㄧㄣ [yin1] N.Cause, reason: 因由,因緣 [yin1you2], [yin1yUan2]↓;因果 [yin1guo3]↓;主因 main cause;要因 important cause or reason;前因 (a) reason to be found in previous incarnation;(b) antecedent;遠因 distant cause;近因 immediate cause;種因 to saw the seeds of (future trouble, war, etc.);有因 there's a reason;無因 for no reason at all;何因 why? what cause?V.i. & t.To carry on: 因仍,因襲 [yin1reng2], [yin1xi2]2↓.Prep.(1)  On the basis of, by the support of: 因人成事 do s.t. by the help of s.o.;因陋就 to economize because of lack of funds.(2)  According to, in accord with: 因病下藥 apply medicine according to indications;因時制宜 do what is appropriate according to the circumstances;因勢利導 guide or channel action according to circumstances;因材施教 teach a person according to what he is good for.(3)  (Prep. & conj.) for, on account of, because of: 因為 [yin1wei4]↓;因此 [yin1ci3]↓;因而 (because of s.t.) therefore;因禍得福 luck grows out of adversity;因小失大 lose the main goal because of small gains;因噎廢食 stop eating altogether on account of a hiccup-unjustified giving up of a good cause.Words1. 因革 [yin1ge2], n., historical development (=沿革).2. 因故 [yin1gu4], phr., for this reason.3. 因公 [yin1gong1], phr., on account of official duty.4. 因果 [yin1guo3], n., (Budd.) retribution, chain of cause and effect: 前因後果 antecedents and consequences; 因果報應 retribution for sin; 因果律 principle of efficient casuality.5. 因何 [yin1he2], phr., for what reason?6. 因著 [yin1zhe1], phr., because of, on account of.7. 因之 [yin1zhi1], phr., (LL) because of that.8. 因明 [yin1ming2], n., (Hindu) the science of logic.9. 因仍 [yin1reng2], v.i. & t., to persist without change: 因仍舊慣 follow old routine.10. 因習 [yin1xi2]1, v.i. & t., ditto.11. 因襲 [yin1xi2]2, v.i. & t., ditto.12. 因數 [yin1shu4], n., (math.) factor.13. 因是 [yin1shi4], phr., because of this.14. 因循 [yin1xUn2], v.i., to follow old routine.15. 因此 [yin1ci3], phr., because of this (=therefore).16. 因子 [yin1zi3], n., cause; factor; 因子分析 factorization (math.).17. 因為 [yin1wei4] ([yin1wei0]), conj., because.18. 因應 [yin1ying4], v.i., (AC) to adjust, react: 因應變化 change according to changing circumstances.19. 因由(兒) [yin1you2]([er0]) ([yin1you0]), n., reason, cause.20. 因緣 [yin1yUan2], n., (1) a chance, opportunity (cf. 姻 緣 93A.41); (2) (Budd.) the chain of cause and effect; 因緣生法 the law of mutual causation of all actions.因prep.with由于,因因1. cause2. reason3. because or due to因[yīn]动1. 书 follow; carry on♦ 因袭 2. 书 rely on; accord with♦ ~病下药 suit the medicine to the illness♦ ~其自然 let things take their natural course名cause; reason♦ 必有他~ there must be some other reason介because of; as a result of♦ ~病请假 ask for sick leave♦ ~公牺牲 die while on duty; die at one's post♦ 会议~故延期。 The meeting has been postponed for some reason.连because♦ 他~有其他事情未能出席。 He was absent because he had other things to attend to.




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