

单词 回光返照
释义 回光返照1. a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse2. the transient reviving of the dying3. the last radiance of the setting sun回光返照 huíguāngfǎnzhàosyn. 回光反照回光返照huíguāngfǎnzhàofinal radiance of setting sunfig. dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)回光返照日落前的光the last light of the setting sun人死前的兴奋a final burst of energy before death旧事物灭亡前的暂时兴旺brief revival before obsoletion or extinction回光返照 huí guāng fǎn zhào (落日前的光) the last radiance of the setting sun (人死前短暂的兴奋现象) momentary recovery of consciousness just before death (旧事物灭亡前暂时兴旺的现象) a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse林语堂林语堂★◀▶回光返照 the sun's reflected light at evening, also return to consciousness before death林语堂☞迴光返照回光返照a.fey(临死前)精神异常兴奋的,回光返照的;〈苏格兰〉非常高兴的回光返照1. the last radiance of the setting sun2. momentary recovery of consciousness just before death3. a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse回光返照1. the last radiance of the setting sun2. momentary recovery of consciousness just before death; a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse




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