

单词 器重
释义 器重1. to regard highly2. to rely heavily on器重 qìzhòngregard highly他在公司很受器重。 He was highly favored in his company.器重qìzhòngto regard sth as valuableto think highly of (a younger person, a subordinate etc)器重to regard highly他很受器重。 He is very highly regarded.器重 qì zhòng think highly of; regard highly; have a high opinion of:  上司似乎很器重你。 The boss seems to think highly of you.  老师很器重他。 The teacher had a very high opinion of him. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶器重 [qi4zhong4], v.t., to regard highly, depend on (one) for his ability.器重,推重regard highly (person).器重n.regard敬爱,尊敬;尊重,器重vt.regard敬爱,尊敬;尊重,看重,器重器重1. [Formal] to regard highly; to make much of器重think highly of (one's juniors or subordinates); regard highly♦ 他工作能力强, 上级很~他。 He is a capable worker, and his superiors think highly of him.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞ESTEEM




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