

单词 嘹亮
释义 嘹亮1. loud and clear嘹亮 liáoliàngresonant; loud and clear歌声嘹亮。 The singing is loud and clear.嘹亮liáoliàngloud and clearresonant嘹亮loud and clear歌声嘹亮 singing is resonant嘹亮的号角 loud and clear bugle call吹响了嘹亮的冲锋号 sound the attack call loud and clear嘹亮 liáo liàng resonant; loud and clear:  嘹亮的号角 a clarion call;  歌声嘹亮。 The singing is loud and clear. 嘹亮a.clarion嘹亮的n.lift(声音的)响亮,嘹亮嘹亮1. resonant; brassy; loud and clear嘹亮resonant; loud and clear♦ 歌声~。 The singing is loud and clear.♦ ~的号角 a clarion call




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