

单词 喧腾
释义 文馨英漢☞喧騰喧腾 xuānténghubbub喧腾xuānténgto make a tumulthubbubuproar喧腾参见:喧闹[xuānnào]广场变成了喧腾的海洋。 The square became a sea of shouts and whoops.喧腾 xuān téng noise and excitement; hubbub; uproar:  大会在一片喧腾声中开始了。 The rally began in an uproar. 喧腾n.whoopla喧闹,喧腾;骚乱phr.fast and furious(游戏等)喧腾的喧腾1. noise and excitement; a hubbub; an uproar2. fast and furious喧腾noise and excitement; hubbub♦ 广场上一片~。 A hubbub filled the square.




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