单词 | 喜 |
释义 | 喜1. delighted2. happiness3. happy4. to like5. to be fond of喜 xǐ1) like; be fond of (喜欢)2) happy; delighted; pleased (欢喜)3) happy event (esp. wedding) (喜事)4) coll. pregnancy (有喜)喜xǐto be fond ofto liketo enjoyto be happyto feel pleasedhappinessdelightglad喜 n. 怀孕<口>pregnancy她有喜了。 She is pregnant.可庆贺的事occasion for celebration喜上加喜 happiness upon happiness v. 快乐happy喜在心里 feeling happy喜溢眉梢 looking happy他为人深沉,喜怒不形于色。 He's a reserved person who doesn't let his emotions show.爱好to like性喜音乐 have a natural love of music好大喜功 be overambitious喜人奉承 like to be praised喜戴高帽 like to be flattered适宜于suitable有的植物喜阴不喜阳 some plants are suitable for the shade but not direct sunlight adj. 可庆贺的celebratory大喜事 big celebration喜 xǐ 动 (快乐; 高兴) be happy; be delighted; be pleased: 狂喜 wild with joy; 喜获丰收 reap a bumper harvest; 笑在脸上,喜在心里 with a smile on one's face and joy in one's heart; 心中暗喜 secretly feel pleased; 华北地区喜降瑞雪。 There was a welcome fall of seasonable snow in north China. (爱好; 喜欢) be fond of; like; have an inclination for: 喜读书 be fond of reading; 喜交友 like to make friends; 猴子性喜攀缘。 Monkeys have a natural inclination for climbing. 名 (可庆贺的事) happy event (esp. wedding); occasion for celebration: 报喜 report good news; 道喜 congratulate sb. on a happy occasion; 大喜的日子 a day of great happiness; a joyful occasion; an occasion for celebration (怀孕) pregnancy: 有喜 be expecting; be in the family way (姓氏) a surname: 喜宁 Xi Ning 林语堂林语堂★◀▶喜喜 175B20 11.40 部居 畫數 12ㄒㄧˇ [xi3] N.(1) Happiness, joy: 報喜 report on birth of a son, getting a degree, etc.;恭喜,道喜,賀喜 to congratulate, -tions;喜,怒,哀,樂 joy, anger, sorrow and happiness;雙喜 wedding.(2) Expecting a child: 有喜 (a woman) is expecting;害喜 show symptoms of early pregnancy (morning sickness, etc.).V.i.(1) To like, be fond of: 喜歡 [xi3huan0]↓;喜愛,喜好 [xi3ai4], [xi3hao4]↓;喜新厭舊 be fickle lover, abandon the old for the new;好大喜功 like to do grandiose things to impress people;喜客 like to have visitors and friends;喜賭 love gambling;喜帶高帽 like empty titles and honors.(2) To feel happy: 可喜 likeable, (adv.) luckily;可喜可賀 to be congratulated;see Adj.↓.Adj.(1) Happy, pleased: 喜出望外 pleased beyond one's expectations;喜孜孜,喜氣洋洋 filled with gayety;歡天喜地 overjoyed;喜色 a happy expression on one's face;喜從天降 a sudden unexpected happy event;喜事 [xi3shi4]↓.(2) Concerning expectation of a child: 喜病 pregnancy, a “happy kind of illness.”(3) Concerning wedding: 喜帖 card of announcement of a wedding or birthday celebrations;喜轎 bridal sedan chair;喜堂 hall for wedding ceremony.Words1. 喜愛 [xi3ai4], v.t., to like, to love (child, swimming, detective story, etc.).2. 喜慶 [xi3qing4], n., celebration of some happy event (wedding, etc.).3. 喜鵲 [xi3qUe4], n., the magpie, supposed to forecast good news.4. 喜房 [xi3fang1], n., (1) wedding chamber; (2) a dressing room for the bride to retire during ceremony and dinner.5. 喜果 [xi2guo3], n., red painted eggs, presented to friends on third day of birth of baby, also on wedding.6. 喜好 [xi3hao4], v.t., to love or like (skating, detective films, etc.).7. 喜歡 [xi3huan0], (1) v.t., to like or love (person, game); (2) adj., pleased: 他很喜歡 he is very pleased.8. 喜帳 [xi3zhang4], n., a long silk scroll to be hung on wall during some celebration, containing words of felicitations.9. 喜敬 [xi3jing4], n. & v.t., a gift on occasion; to present such gift.10. 喜劇 [xi3jU4], n., comedy.11. 喜脈 [xi3mo4], n., pulse-beat indicating pregnancy.12. 喜娘 [xi3niang2], n., a semi-professional woman attendant serving as bride's counsel on different steps of procedure.13. 喜容(兒) [xi3rong2]([er0]), n., (1) a happy look; (2) portrait of person done while living.14. 喜事 [xi3shi4], (1) n., happy occasions (birthdays, weddings, etc.); (2) v.t., to love to meddle.15. 喜悅 [xi3yUe4], adj., pleased.喜,怒,哀,樂joy, anger, sorrow and happiness;喜vt.love(动、植物)喜,需要,从…得益喜1. happy2. delighted3. an event or occasion for celebration, especially a wedding4. to be fond of; to prefer喜[xǐ]动1. happy; delighted; pleased♦ 心中暗~ secretly feel pleased♦ ~不自胜 be delighted beyond measure; be beside oneself with joy2. be fond of; like; have an inclination for♦ ~读书 be fond of reading♦ 猴子性~攀缘。 Monkeys have a natural inclination for climbing.名1. a happy event (esp. wedding); an occasion for celebration♦ 喜事 2. 口 pregnancy♦ 有喜 |
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