

单词 善罢甘休
释义 文馨英漢☞善罷甘休善罢甘休 shànbàgānxiūsyn. 善罢干休善罢甘休shànbàgānxiūto leave the matter at thatto be prepared to let goto be willing to take things lying down善罢甘休to let things rest不消灭敌人,我们决不善罢甘休。 We will definitely not let up until the enemy have been annihilated.不达目的,他们决不肯善罢甘休。 They will not let things rest until they have reached their goal.善罢甘休 shàn bà gān xiū leave the matter at that; be willing to let go (give up); be willing to take things lying down; let it go at that:  他可不是个善罢甘休的人。 He was not prepared to give up that easily.  别以为他们会老实的, 他们决不会善罢甘休。 Don't imagine that they'll behave themselves. They will not take their defeat lying down. 善罢甘休1. to leave the matter at that; to let it go at that善罢甘休(usu. used in the negative) leave the matter at that; let it go at that♦ 敌人这一仗打败了, 但决不会~的。 The enemy will not take their defeat lying down.




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