

释义 啖1. to eat2. to feed啖 dànwr.1) eat2) feed3) entice啖dànto eatto tasteto entice (using bait)dànvariant of 啖[dàn]dànvariant of 啖[dàn]啖 v. 吃;给别人吃to eat; to feed啖饭 eat rice以枣啖之 feed with dates引诱to entice啖以重利 entice with the promise of great profit啖 dàn 动 (书) (吃)eat (给别人吃) feed (拿利益引诱人) entice; lure 名 (姓氏) a surname:  啖铁 Dan Tie 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶啖啖 602A45  40A.81-9  部居  畫數 11ㄉㄢˋ [dan4] . [Var.啗]V.i. & t.(1)  To feed or bait.(2)  To bite and chew (food);cf. 噉 40A.82.林语堂☞啗林语堂☞噉啖1. [Formal] to eat2. [Formal] to feed3. [Formal] to entice; to lure啖[dàn]动1. 书 eat2. feed3. entice; lure




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