

单词 商量
释义 商量1. to advise2. to confer3. to discuss商量 shāngliangconsult; talk over咱们商量商量。 Let's talk it over.商量shāngliangto consultto talk overto discuss商量to discuss和群众商量当前的工作问题 discuss the current problems at work with the masses我们有要事商量。 We have important things to discuss.条件已经商量好。 The conditions have already been agreed upon.问题尚未商量过。 This problem has not been discussed yet.商量 shāng liang consult; discuss; talk over:  与某人商量某事 consult with sb. on sth.; discuss sth. with sb.; approach sb. on sth.;  他们将会商量这件事的。 They will hold a consultation about the matter.  慢慢和他商量, 不要勉强干。 Go easy with him. Don't force things.  这事好商量。 That can be settled through discussion. 商量 [shang1liang2], v.i. & t., to discuss (prices, terms, problems, etc.): 和人,跟人商量 discuss with people.商量n.advisement周密的考虑,深思熟虑;商量,磋商vi.advise〈美〉商量counsel交换意见;协商;商量vt.chew详细讨论,商量(over)commune〈废〉商量,讨论phr.take counsel(与…)交换意见;(同…)商量商量1. to consult; to discuss; to talk over; to exchange counsel双向☞商量--咨询--参考双向☞查阅--商量--咨询商量consult; discuss; talk over♦ 这事可以~着办。 That can be settled through discussion.♦ 咱们得找主任~一下。 We ought to talk it over with the director.英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Beratung Konferenz英華☞CONSIDERATION英華☞CONSULTATION英華☞CONFERENCE英華☞Conferring英華☞DELIBERATE英華☞AGITATION英華☞CONSIDER英華☞AGITATE英華☞BARGAIN英華☞CONCERT英華☞CONSULT英華☞COUNCIL英華☞COUNSEL英華☞ADVISE英華☞CONFER英華☞DEBATE




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