

单词 响亮
释义 文馨英漢☞響亮响亮 xiǎngliàngloud and clear; resounding; resonant; sonorous响亮xiǎngliàngloud and clearresounding响亮loud and clear响亮的嗓音 loud and clear voice响亮的歌声 loud and clear singing响亮的耳光 resounding slap这架大钢琴声音很响亮。 This grand piano is very resonant.响亮 xiǎng liàng loud and clear; resounding; resonant; sonorous; vibrant:  响亮的回答 a loud and clear reply; an unequivocal reply;  一记响亮的耳光 a heavy slap in the face; a smart box on the ear;  响亮的男中音 a vibrant baritone voice;  他人走远了, 但他响亮的声音仍在我耳际回荡。 His resounding voice continued to resound in my ears long after he was out of sight. 响亮a.strong(光线等)强烈的;(药物等)高效的;(气味)浓重(难闻)的;(声音)高亢的,响亮的;(色)浓的,深的;【化】强的,浓的loud(声音)响亮的;(声源)发出响亮声音的;喧闹的vibrant振响的;响亮的sounding响亮的,声音洪亮的resonant回声的,回响的;响亮的,洪亮的resounding响亮的,洪亮的sonorous响亮的,洪亮的;(嗓音)圆润洪亮的;发出圆润洪亮声音的;(文字、诗篇等)读来铿锵有力的orotund(嗓音)洪亮的,响亮的shouty(声音)尖声的,刺耳的,响亮的ad.loud大声地,响亮地n.lift(声音的)响亮,嘹亮resonance回声,反响;响亮,洪亮vibrance振响;响亮sonority响亮,洪亮;响亮度vt.louden使响亮;使更响亮phr.à haute voix〈法〉高声地,响亮地响亮1. loud and clear响亮loud and clear; resounding; resonant; sonorous♦ ~的回答 a loud and clear reply; an unequivocal reply♦ ~的声音 a resounding voice♦ 一记~的耳光 a heavy slap in the face; a smart box on the ear




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