

单词 哈达
释义 哈达 hǎdá1) loan khatagh; cloth accompanying gifts among Mongols/Tibetans2) Budd. ceremonial silk scarf哈达hǎdákhata (Tibetan or Mongolian ceremonial scarf)哈达khata; traditional ceremonial scarf used in Tibet and Mongolia, usually made of white silk哈达 hǎ dá hada, a piece of silk used as a greeting gift among the Zang and Mongol nationalities:  献哈达 present a hada 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞哈達哈达1. hada, a piece of silk used as a greeting gift among the Zang and Mongol nationalities哈达Hadda哈达a piece of silk (usu. white in colour) used as a greeting gift among the Zang and Monggol nationalities♦ 献~ present a hada




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