

释义 品1. article2. character3. to rate4. to taste品 pǐnI b.f.1) article; product; goods (物品)2) grade; class; rank; rate (上品)3) character; quality; moral standing (品行)4) bridge of a stringed instrument5) chapter/section of Budd. scriptureII v.1) taste; sample; savor; judge2) blow (a musical instrument)III s.v.light/pale (color)品pǐnarticlecommodityproductgoodskindgraderankcharacterdispositionnaturetemperamentvarietyto taste sthto sampleto criticizeto commentto judgeto size upfret (on a guitar or lute)品 n. 物品article家庭用品 household goods日用品 articles for everyday use奢侈品 luxury goods装饰品 adornment化妆品 make-up工业品 manufactured goods战利品 spoils of war牺牲品 victim参见:品级[pǐnjí]上品 top grade下品 low grade官吏的级别official rank一品 official of the highest rank七品官 seventh-grade official种类type参见:品质[pǐnzhì] v. 参见:品尝[pǐncháng];品评[pǐnpíng]品一品这茶的味道好不好。 Try this tea and see what you think.这人究竟怎么样,你慢慢就品出来了。 You'll find out what kind of a person he is with time.吹奏to play品箫 play the panpipes品 pǐn 名 (物品) article; product:  工业品 industrial products;  木制品 wood products;  农产品 farm (agricultural) produce;  商品 commodity; merchandise (等级; 品级) grade; class; rank:  上品 highest (top) grade (品质) character; quality:  品学兼优 (of a student) of good character and scholarship;  人品 moral quality; character (姓氏) a surname:  品岩 Pin Ya 动 (辨别好坏; 品评) taste sth. with discrimination; sample; savour:  品茶 sample tea;  品品味儿 savour the flavour (吹奏管乐器) blow; paly (wind instruments):  品箫 play the flute (xiao) 品品 571A10  40.40  部居  畫數 9ㄆㄧㄣˇ [pin3] N.(1)  Rank, grade;one of nine ranks (九品) of officials in empire days, 一品 being highest and 九品 lowest;grading of painters, writers in anc. books (詩品,畫品).(2)  Common term for article, product, quality: 物品 different products;佳品,劣品 good, inferior products;產品 products;贈品 gifts;食品 eatables;化妝品 cosmetics, etc.(3)  Moral character: 人品 personal character;品性,品貌,品學 [pin3xing4]2, [pin3mao4], [pin3xUe2]↓.V.t.(1)  To criticize, judge, grade: 品鑑,品評 [pin3jian4], [pin3ping2]↓;日子一長,可以品出他的性格來 after living with a person, you find out his character.(2)  to sample, taste: 品茶 (茗) drink tea critically;品嘗 [pin3chang2]↓;你品品這塊肉 try to taste this meat.(3)  To play the flute: 品簫.Words1. 品嘗 [pin3chang2], v.i. & t., to taste (flavor) critically.2. 品第 [pin3di4], v.t., to judge and grade; n., grade.3. 品服 [pin3fu2], n., formerly, official costume (marking rank).4. 品格 [pin3ge2], n., character of person: 品格高雅,不高 high, low character (of person, painting).5. 品官 [pin3guan1], n., formerly, official of rank.6. 品紅 [pin3hong2], n., a dyestuff, rosaniline chloride.7. 品鑑 [pin3jian4], v.t., enjoy, examine critically (art works).8. 品節 [pin3jie2], n., sense of honor; (AC) etiquette pertaining to rank.9. 品級 (秩) [pin3ji2] ([pin3zhi2]), n., official rank.10. 品質 [pin3zhi1], quality (of product).11. 品藍 [pin3lan2], n. & adj., bluish purple.12. 品類 [pin3lei4], n., variety of things; category.13. 品綠 [pin3lU4], n. & adj., light green.14. 品貌 [pin3mao4], n., personal appearance; character and looks.15. 品評 [pin3ping2], v.t., criticize, evaluate: 品評人物 criticize people (not in a good sense).16. 品行 [pin3xing4]1, n., personal conduct: 品行端正 upright conduct.17. 品性 [pin3xing4]2, n., temper, individual character (peaceable, irascible, etc.).18. 品學 [pin3xUe2], n., personal character and scholarship: 品學兼優 good both in character and scholarship.19. 品胎 [pin3tai1], n., triplet babies.20. 品題 [pin3ti2], n. & v.t., comments usu. wr. on paintings, volumes; to write such comments, usu. favorable.21. 品脫 [pin3tuo1], n., (translit.) pint, a liquid measure.22. 品藻 [pin3zao3], v.t., evaluate art works, persons.23. 品味 [pin3wei4]1, v.t., taste flavour; n., tasty, well-prepared food.24. 品位 [pin3wei4]2, n., personal status.25. 品月 [pin3yUe4], n. & adj., moonstone color, pale blue.品n.stop(乐器演奏时的)按孔;按弦;(按孔或弦产生的)音调变化;(吉他的)品;(管风琴的)音栓;(管乐器的)指孔Rank【语】品,级PIN〈英〉((旧时)容量为4.5加仑的)小啤酒桶;品(液量单位,相当于4.5加仑)fret【音】(吉他等弦乐器指板上定音的)品capo(弦乐器上的)柱,品品1. articles; things2. grade; class3. quality4. to ascertain the taste or quality of双向☞品--音格双向☞音格--品品[pǐn]名1. article; product♦ 商品 2. grade; class; rank♦ ~之最上者 of the very best kind3. character; quality♦ 人品 ♦ 品德 动taste sth. with discrimination; sample; savour♦ ~茶 sample tea♦ 这个人究竟怎么样, 你慢慢就~出来了。 By and by you'll be able to figure out what sort of person he actually is.




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