释义 |
哀痛1. to feel the anguish of sorrow哀痛 āitòngsyn. 哀恸哀痛āitòngto grieveto mourndeep sorrowgrief哀痛sorrowful哀痛欲绝 be grief-stricken哀痛 āi tòng deep sorrow; grief; feel the anguish of sorrow: 哀痛欲绝 broken-hearted; grieved to the extreme 哀痛 [ai1tong4], adj. & n., deep sorrow, profound grief.哀痛a.lachrymose催人泪下的;哀痛的n.mourning哀痛;哀悼,举哀;服丧vi.sorrow哀痛;哀悼(after, for)哀痛1. deep sorrow; profound grief哀痛mourn sorrowfully; grieve deeply for; lament♦ 我们~失去了一位亲密的战友。 We lament the death of a very close friend of ours.英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞DISTRESS英華☞GRIEVED英華☞DOLOUR英華☞GRIEVE英華☞GRIEF英華☞HEAVY英華☞CRY |