

释义 咬1. bite2. to bite咬 yǎo1) bite; snap at2) bark3) incriminate sb. else (usu. falsely)4) pronounce distinctly5) be nitpicking (about use of words)6) topo. corrode (metals); irritate (the skin)咬yǎoto biteto nipyǎovariant of 咬[yǎo]咬 v. 用牙齿咬;咬碎;衔to bite; to crunch; to hold in the mouth咬指甲 bite one's nails咬了一口面包 take a bite of bread这核桃太硬,咬不开。 This walnut is too hard to bite open.狗咬着一根骨头。 The dog is chewing a bone.他给狗咬了。 He was bitten by a dog.身上叫蚊子咬遍了 bitten all over by mosquitoes衣服叫耗子咬了个洞。 A mouse had bitten a hole out of the clothes.参见:咬住狗叫to bark鸡叫狗咬。 Cocks crow and dogs bark.牵扯不相关的人to incriminate乱咬好人 incriminate an innocent person indiscriminately他倒反咬了别人一口。 He even turned around and made false countercharges.损伤<方>to corrode碱水把铝盆咬坏了。 The alkaline water corroded the aluminium basin.念出字音to pronounce这个字我咬不准。 I can't pronounce this word correctly.紧跟不放to be neck and neck双方比分咬得很紧。 The scores of both sides are neck and neck.炮兵们始终咬住目标。 The artillery hit their targets throughout.咬 yǎo 动 (上下牙齿用力对着) bite; snap at:  咬不动 too tough to bite (chew);  咬了一口 take a bite;  一口咬定 assert emphatically; insist;  爱叫的狗不咬人。 Barking dogs seldom bite.  那条狗咬了我的腿。 The dog snapped (bit) at my leg.  正在长牙齿的婴儿喜欢咬硬物。 Babies who are getting new teeth like something hard to bite on. (狗叫) bark:  鸡叫狗咬。 Cocks crow and dogs bark. (夹住;卡住) grip; bite:  台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。 The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work.  这个旧螺母咬不住扣儿。 This old nut won't bite (grip). (受责难或审讯时牵扯别人) incriminate another person (usu. innocent) when blamed or interrogated:  反咬一口 trump up a countercharge against one's accuser; make a false countercharge (正确地念出) pronounce; articulate:  咬字清楚 clear articulation (enunciation);  这个字他咬得很准。 He can pronounce this word correctly. (过分地斟酌) be nitpicking (about the use of words):  咬字眼儿 be nitpicking on words 林语堂林语堂★◀▶咬咬 604A25  40A.82-6  部居  畫數 9ㄧㄠˇ [yao3] V.t.(1)  To bite: 咬一口 give a bite;咬斷了 to bite off;咬不動 (food) too tough to bite;蟲咬 bitten by insect;咬菜根 to live on bare subsistence.(2)  To persist in accusing person at court: 咬定是他 accused him definitely;賊咬一口 the thief accuses s.o. as accomplice;一口咬定 to accuse definitely.(3)  To bark: 聽見狗直咬 heard dog barking incessantly.(4)  To gnash teeth: 咬牙 [yao3ya2]↓;咬緊牙根 keep a stiff upper lip.Words1. 咬扯 [yao2che3], v.i., to chafe, give vent by angry talking.2. 咬春 [yao3chun1], v.i., (Peiking dial.) formerly, a custom of eating turnip raw on 立春 (arrival of Spring); 立春 see Appendix B.3. 咬(兒) [yao3qUn2] ([yao3qUe2er0]), v.i., “bite the herd”-create trouble inside group.4. 咬耳 [yao2er3duo0], v.i., “bite the ear”-whisper.5. 咬筋 [yao3jin1], n., maxillary muscle.6. 咬破 [yao3po4], v.i., bite open, bite to pieces.7. 咬舌兒 [yao3she2er0], v.i., to lisp, talk with unclear consonants, also 咬舌子.8. 咬手 [yao2shou3], v.i., to have chilblains.9. 咬字兒 [yao3ze4er0], v.i., (Chin. opera) training in enunciation, particularly difference between ch and ts.10. 咬文 [yao3wen2], phr., 咬文嚼字 or 咂字, to “chew words”-overfastidious and oft. too literal interpretation of words.11. 咬牙 [yao3ya2], v.i., (1) pay too much attention to details, too dogmatic or insistent; (2) to grind one's teeth in sleep: 咬牙切齒 to gnash teeth in hatred.咬(兒) [yao3qUn2] ([yao3qUe2er0]), v.i., “bite the herd”-create trouble inside group.咬a.gnawing咬(痛)的;折磨人的;令人痛苦的n.bite咬;叮gnawing咬,啃,啮vi.strike(蛇、兽等)咬,抓;(鱼)上钩,咬饵;急拉钓线把鱼钩住;(猎犬)嗅到猎物气味bite咬;叮;有咬(或叮)的习性chew咀嚼;咬champ(马)咬马嚼子;咬,啮gnaw咬,啃(at,on)niggle啃,咬knap(急促地)咬;啃,啮vt.EAT咬;蛀;侵蚀;腐蚀;吞噬strike(用鱼叉)叉(鲸鱼);(急拉钓线索)钩住(上钩的鱼);(鱼)咬(饵)MOUSE〈废〉咬,啃;撕裂bite咬;咬伤;咬断;(蚊子等)叮,蜇chew嚼,咀嚼,嚼碎(食物等);咬gnaw咬,啃,啮;咬掉;咬成gnash(因愤怒或痛苦等)咬(牙),磨(牙)knap〈英方〉(急促地)咬;啃,啮chumble〈方〉咬,嚼咬1. to bite or snap at2. (of a dog) to bark3. to grip咬biting双向☞咀嚼--咬咬[yǎo]动1. bite; snap at♦ ~不动 too tough to bite (or chew)♦ ~一口 take a bite♦ 被蛇~了 be bitten by a snake2. grip; bite♦ 这个旧螺母~不住扣儿了。 This old nut won't bite (or grip).♦ 双方比分一直~得很紧。 The score was very close throughout the match.3. (of a dog) bark♦ 鸡叫狗~ cocks crow and dogs bark4. incriminate another person (usu. innocent) when blamed or interrogated♦ 别~好人。 Don't implicate the innocent.5. 方 corrode (metals); irritate (the skin)♦ 我最怕漆~。 I'm allergic to paint. or My skin is allergic to paint.♦ 这把刀埋在地里让土~了。 The knife had been buried in the ground and was corroded.6. pronounce; articulate♦ 这个字他~不准。 He can't pronounce this word correctly.7. be nitpicking (about the use of words)♦ 咬字眼儿




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