

单词 咨询
释义 文馨英漢☞諮詢咨询 zīxúnsyn. 谘询咨询zīxúnto consultto seek adviceconsultation(sales) inquiry (formal)咨询to consult法律咨询 legal counsel法律咨询中心 legal advice centre技术咨询 technical advice医院咨询门诊 hospital consultancy clinic咨询公司 consultancy咨询机关 advisory body咨询服务 advice service信息咨询服务 information and advice service口头咨询 verbal advice书面咨询 written advice咨询日 day of consultation咨询 zī xún seek advice from; hold counsel with; consult:  咨询业 consulting business;  咨询人员 consultant;  咨询民意 consult the people;  提供咨询服务 give counsel 咨询部门 consultancy service; 咨询服务 consulting service; consultation service; consultancy service; 咨询服务中心 consultant and service centre; 咨询费 consulting fee; 咨询公司 consulting corporation; consulting company; 咨询机关 advisory body; 咨询小组 advisory group; 咨询效果 advisory effectiveness; 咨询心理学 consulting psychology; 咨询意见 advisory opinion; 咨询委员会 consultative committee; 咨询业务 advisory service; 咨询应用 inquiry application; 咨询中心 consultancy centre; 咨询专家 expert consultant; 咨询组 advisory group林语堂林语堂★◀▶林语堂☞咨詢林语堂☞諮詢咨询a.directory指导的;咨询的guidance指导的,咨询的advisory顾问的,咨询的consulting咨询的;与专业咨询有关的consultative咨询的;磋商的;顾问的recommendatory劝告的;咨询(性)的n.guidance(对婚姻、职业、学生的学业等的)指导,咨询;咨询服务consultation征求意见,咨询;磋商counseling(对个人、社会以及心理等问题的)咨询;咨询服务咨询1. [Formal] to seek advice from; to hold counsel with; to consult; to be in consultation with咨询consultation咨询counseling咨询Consult双向☞商量--咨询--参考双向☞查阅--商量--咨询双向☞咨询性--咨询双向☞顾问--咨询咨询seek advice from; hold counsel with; consult♦ 进行~服务 provide consulting service♦ 技术~ technical consultation♦ ~机关 advisory body♦ ~委员会 consultative (or advisory) committee~公司 consulting company~热线 helpline




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