单词 | 命 |
释义 | 命1. fate2. life3. to name4. to order命 mìngI n.1) life我的命不值钱。 My life is nothing.2) lot; fate; destiny我的命不好。 I'm always unlucky.II b.f.order; instruction (命令)III v.1) order; command2) assign (a title/etc.)命mìnglifefateorder or commandto assign a name, title etc命 n. 生命life; lives(plural)救人一命 save a life这救不了他们的命。 This will not save their lives.寿命lifespan短命 short lifespan参见:命运命好 lucky fate命苦 cruel fate怨命 begrudge one's fate认命 accept fate命该如此。 It's predestined.命中注定 destined by fate死生有命,富贵在天。 Life and death are predestined and riches and prestige are decided by heaven.参见:命令奉命 receive orders v. 参见:命令给与名称to assign命 mìng 名 (生命; 性命) life: 救命 save sb.'s life; help; 死于非命 die of violence or accident; die an unnatural death (命运) fate; lot; fortune; destiny: 苦命 hard lot; cruel fate; 算命 tell sb.'s fortune; 宿命论 fatalism; 安天乐命 happy with one's lot; 她已经听天由命了。 She has resigned herself to fate. (命令; 指示) order; command: 待命 await orders; 奉命 receive order; 遵命 obey order 动 (命令;指派) order; appoint: 命驾 order your carriage; do me the honour of your visit; 任命 appoint sb. to a post (给与名称等) assign (a name etc.): 命意 assign a theme (topic) 命命 1086B55 81.22 部居 畫數 8ㄇㄧㄥˋ [ming4] N.(1) Order, command: 使命 mission abroad;奉命 receive order;違命 disobey order;逆命,抗命 defy order;遵命 obey order.(2) Life: 生命 life;長命,短命 long, short, life;壽命 life span;救命 cry “help”;喪命 to die;拚命 risk life, work hard regardless;命在旦夕 life hangs in the balance;死於非命 die of violence or accident or unnatural death;亡命 live in exile.(3) Luck, fate: 命運 luck, life course as predetermined (of person, nation);命好,命大 destined to good life;命乖,命薄,命蹇 unlucky in life;命中 predetermined, destined: 命中無子 destined not to have sons;命也,命矣乎 (LL) it's just hard luck, it is the will of God;命也何如 what can I do against such luck?V.t.(1) To order, command: 命令你去做 I order you to do it;命駕 “order your carriage,” do me the honor of your visit;命筆直書 to write down as inspiration or feeling dictates.(2) To assign: 命名 assign name to (person, occasion, etc.);命題 assign subject of essay.Words1. 命案 [ming4an1], n., a case of murder.2. 命蔕 [ming4di4], n., (1) (Chin. med.) placenta cord of newborn babe; (2) see [ming4men2]↓.3. 命婦 [ming4fu4], n., formerly, lady of rank, see [ming4guan1]↓.4. 命服 [ming4fu2], n., (AC) official costume.5. 命根 [ming4gen1], n., the root of one's life, dearest (child, etc.).6. 命官 [ming4guan1], n., ranking official.7. 命宮 [ming4gong1], n., (1) constellation in which one is born; (2) (in fortunetelling) point where the eyebrows meet.8. 命令 [ming4ling4], n. & v.t., order, command.9. 命門 [ming4men2], n., (fortunetelling) side temple; the region of the kidneys (“gate of life”).10. 命脈 [ming4mo4], n., the “life vein,” “life pulse,” (fig.) where life (of nation) depends.11. 命數 [ming4shu4], n., one's luck.12. 命世(之才) [ming4shi4]([zhi1cai2]), phr., dominant spirit (of generation); one destined to govern.13. 命途 [ming4tu2], n., course of events in one's life.14. 命運 [ming4yUn4], n., one's luck; course of development.命n.economy【宗】(天)命,(天)道(尤指对某一国家或时代的影响)命1. life2. fate; a lot3. to order; to command命[mìng]名1. life♦ ~在旦夕 be on the verge of death; be dying2. lot; fate; destiny♦ 他认为自己受苦是~苦。 He thought he had suffered because of his cruel fate.♦ ~好 be born under a lucky star3. order; commandation♦ 奉命 动1. order; command♦ ~其速归。 Order him to return immediately.2. assign (a name, title, etc.)♦ 命名 |
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