

单词 周折
释义 文馨文馨★◀▶周折1. complicated文馨☞週折周折 zhōuzhétwists and turns; setbacks费了很多周折才办成功。 We experienced many setbacks before getting it done successfully.周折zhōuzhétwists and turnsvicissitudecomplicationdifficultyeffortCL:番[fān]周折twists and turns一生的周折 a lifetime of setbacks没有费多大周折,事情就办好了。 Without too many setbacks, the matter was settled.这太费周折。 This is too much hassle.周折 zhōu zhé twists and turns; setbacks; a complicated (troublesome) course of development; trouble; complication; tortuous course:  大费周折 cause a lot of trouble;  几经周折才告成功。 Only after many setbacks was success achieved.  从那时起他在事业上一直没有遇到周折。 Since that time there has never been any setback in his career. 周折 [zhou1zhe2], adj., (affair) difficult to deal with: 此事頗費周折 this matter is quite complex.周折1. twists and turns; failures; setbacks周折twists and turns; setbacks♦ 这事恐怕要费一番~。 I'm afraid this business will cause us a good deal of bother.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞Arduousness




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