

单词 吹拂
释义 吹拂1. to move2. to caress吹拂 chuīfú1) sway; stir2) recommend; praise3) use one's influence to help吹拂chuīfúto brushto caress (of breeze)to praise吹拂掠过to blow through春风吹拂大地。 A spring breeze is blowing across the land.田野上吹拂着清新的微风。 A fresh breeze is blowing through the fields.晨风吹拂着姑娘们的长辫梢。 The girls' long plaits swayed in the morning breeze.推荐;赞扬<书>to recommend; to praise吹拂 chuī fú (微风吹动物体) sway; stir:  晨风吹拂着垂柳。 The morning breeze is swaying the weeping willows. (水滴)吹拂器 squeegee; air-knife林语堂林语堂★◀▶吹拂 [chui1fu2], v.i. & t., (1) see [chui1xU1]↓; (2) to flap about in wind (as flag).吹拂 ⇒ 吹虛吹拂n.waft吹拂;飘荡vt.Fan吹拂winnow吹动;吹拂;吹散吹拂1. to sway; to stir; to fan吹拂1. (of a breeze) sway; stir♦ 晨风~着垂柳。 The morning breeze is swaying the weeping willows.2. 书 praise and recommend sb.




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