单词 | 含 |
释义 | 含1. to contain2. to hold in the mouth含 hán1) keep in the mouth含一会儿再咽。 Keep it in the mouth for a while before swallowing.2) contain水中含氧。 Water contains oxygen.3) nurse; cherish; harbor含hánto keepto containto suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)含 v. 衔在嘴里to hold in one's mouth含一口水 have a mouthful of water含着一块冰糖 suck on a piece of rock candy参见:含有[hányǒu]这种梨含的水分很多。 This kind of pear is really juicy.含着眼泪 filled with tears带有to harbour(Britain); to harbor(US)这些话里含着什么意思? What's the meaning behind these words?眼里含着责备的神情 her eyes have a reproachful look含 hán 动 (东西放在嘴里, 不咽下也不吐出) keep in the mouth: 含着润喉片 have a throat tablet in the mouth; 此丸宜含服。 This pill is to be sucked, not swallowed. (藏在里面; 包含) contain: 含多种矿物 contain several kinds of minerals; 含泪 with tears in one's eyes; 含硫污水 sulphur-bearing waste water; 它里面含维生素A和维生素C。 It contains vitamin A and vitamin C. 这种梨含的水分很多。 These pears are very juicy. (带有某种意思、情感等, 不完全表露出来) nurse; cherish; harbour: 含恨 nurse one's hatred; 她脸上含有一丝怒容。 Her face held a suggestion of anger. 含含 1090C35 81.40 部居 畫數 7ㄏㄢˊ [han2] (*ㄏㄢˋ [han4] ).V.t.(1) To keep in the mouth (sp. pr. hern): 含沙射影 “to spit sand on a shadow”--to make innuendos, spread groundless rumors;含血噴人 make scurrilous attacks (“spit blood”);含飴弄孫 to play with grandchildren with candy in mouth;含英咀華 (of writing) containing the cream of the literary tradition;含毫 wet the brush with tip of tongue.(2) To contain (a smile, anger), to hold back, to suffer without showing directly: 含怒,含嗔 feel anger without showing;含恨,含怨 to nurse regret, hatred;含冤 [han4yUan1]↓;含羞 ashamed or shy;含淚 restraining one's tears;含苞未放 (of flowers) just budding, not yet opened, (of girls) yet a virgin;含味 containing or sampling flavor.(3) To cover and protect: 包含 to cover and forgive.(4) (*[han4]) Bury: 含玉,含珠 bury with jade, pearls in mouth;含殮 bury thus.(5) To bear (blemish): 含辱,含垢忍辱 bear shame, humiliation.Words1. 含磣 [han2chen0], adj., unseemly, ugly-looking (also wr. 寒磣).2. 含胡 [han2hu0], adj. & adv., unclear, not explicit, careless, ambiguous (reply): 含胡了事 to settle case carelessly; 一點不含胡 make clear, definite commitment (also wr. 含糊).3. 含混 [han2hun3], adj. & adv., see [han2hu0]↑.4. 含笑 [han2xiao4], adj., (1) wearing a smile; (2) name of a flower in South China.5. 含羞 [han2xiu1], adj., feeling ashamed, timid; 含羞草 (bot.) Mimosa pudica, whose leaves are sensitive to touch.6. 含蓄 [han2xU4], adj., restrained but suggestive in speech or writing, not saying all on one's mind.7. 含桃 [han2tao2], n., (bot.) term for cherry apple.8. 含囈 [han2yi4], v.i., to talk during sleep.9. 含冤 [han2yUan1], v.i., suffer an injustice, nurse grievances.含a.Hamitic(基督教《圣经》故事中挪亚次子)含的n.Ham含(基督教《圣经》故事人物,挪亚的次子,传说中非洲种族的祖先)含1. to hold in the mouth2. to contain含[hán]动1. keep in the mouth♦ 嘴里~着止咳糖 with a cough drop in one's mouth♦ 此丸宜~服。 This pill is to be sucked, not swallowed.2. contain♦ ~多种矿物 contain several kinds of minerals♦ ~泪 with tears in one's eyes♦ ~硫污水 sulphur bearing waste water♦ 这种梨~的水分很多。 These pears are very juicy.♦ ~沙量 silt content3. nurse; cherish; harbour♦ 含恨 |
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