

单词 吓唬
释义 文馨英漢☞嚇唬吓唬 xiàhuI v. coll.1) threaten; frighten别理他。他在吓唬你。 Pay no attention to him. He's just trying to scare you.2) intimidateII n.intimidation吓唬xiàhuto scareto frighten吓唬to scare把人吓唬住 frighten someone stiff用手枪来吓唬人 threaten someone with a gun他想吓唬吓唬人。 He wanted to frighten people.这只能吓唬小孩。 This is only good for scaring children.你吓唬不住我。 You don't scare me.吓唬 xià hu (口) frighten; scare; intimidate; browbeat:  约翰朝他们头顶上开枪吓唬他们。 John fired over their heads to throw a scare into them. 吓唬n.bluff虚张声势,假装有把握以骗人;吓唬flannel〈英口〉胡说;吹牛;虚伪的话(或行动);奉承(话);吓唬swagger叱喝;威吓,吓唬vi.swagger叱喝;威吓,吓唬vt.fear〈古〉使惊恐,吓唬cow吓唬,威胁Bull〈美俚〉吓唬;欺骗bluff以假象欺骗,愚弄;吓唬Funk吓唬,使惊恐frighten使惊恐,吓唬flannel〈英俚〉奉承;吓唬fright〈诗〉使惊恐,吓唬spook〈主美口〉吓唬swagger〈罕〉叱喝;威吓,吓唬browbeat对…吹胡子瞪眼睛,对…声色俱厉地进行威逼,吓唬scarify〈口〉吓,使惊恐;吓唬gast〈废〉使害怕;吓唬,恐吓bullyrag辱骂;吓唬ratten吓唬;胁迫(雇主或工友)feeze使惊恐,吓唬fley使惊恐;吓唬,恐吓bogart强迫;吓唬;胁迫吓唬1. to frighten; to scare; to intimidate; to startle; to bluff吓唬口 frighten; scare; intimidate♦ 别~她, 她胆儿小。 Don't frighten her; she's rather timid.♦ 他净~人。 He's always trying to intimidate people.




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