

单词 向着
释义 文馨英漢☞向著向着 xiàngzheI v.p.1) turn toward; face2) coll. side with; be partial toII conj.toward向着朝着to face葵花向着太阳。 The sunflower faces the sun.枪口向着敌人。 The barrel of the gun was turned towards the enemy.参见:向八路军总是向着穷人的。 The Eighth Route Army always sides with the poor.他显然向着自己人。 He clearly sides with his own people.向着 xiàng zhe (朝着; 对着) turn towards; face; be opposite to:  面向着河的建筑物 buildings facing the river;  葵花向着太阳。 Sunflowers turn towards the sun.  (口) (偏袒) take the part of; side with; be partial to:  父母往往向着最小的孩子。 Parents usually favour their youngest child. 向着prep.OF〈古〉对着,向着before(指位置)在…前面;在…面前;向着…,面对着…vt.turn使转向;使向着,使对着向着1. toward(s)2. to face; to turn towards3. [Informal] to take the part of; to side with; to be partial to向着1. turn towards; face♦ ~光明的未来前进 advance towards a bright future2. 口 take sb.'s part; side with; be partial to♦ 她说话在理, 我就~她。 I take her part because she's right.




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