

释义 名1. fame2. famous3. name4. reputation5. to describe名 míngI b.f.1) name; personal name (名字)2) fame; reputation (名誉)3) number; order of selection (名次)4) famous (名医)5) name; describe (莫明其妙)II m.for persons名míngnamenoun (part of speech)place (e.g. among winners)famousclassifier for people名 n. 名字name人名 name of a person书名 name of a book参见:名义以...为名 in the name of参见:名声[míngshēng]不为名,不为利 not for fame or fortune measure word 用于名次used to denote position among a list of names得了第一名 come first v. 名字叫作to be called他姓李名才。 His surname is Li and his given name is Cai.他姓甚名谁? What's his full name?说出to say占有to possess不名一钱 be penniless adj. 出名的famous名作家 famous author名画 famous painting名酒 famous wine名 míng 名 (名字; 名称) name; appellation:  姓名 surname and personal name;  书名 the title of a book; title;  地名 place name (名声; 名誉) fame; reputation:  成名 come to fame;  以勇敢闻名 have a reputation for courage;  不为名, 不为利 seek neither fame nor gain (名义) name:  以出差为名, 游山玩水, 给国家造成浪费。 Under the pretext of travelling on business, (some cadres) go holidaying and waste public money. (姓氏) a surname:  名昭 Ming Zha 动 (说出) describe; express:  莫以名之 do not know what to call it;  不可名状 indescribable; nondescript (名字叫做) given name (is):  这位医生姓马名强。 This doctor's surname is Ma and his given name, is Qiang. 形 (出名的; 有名声的) famous; well-known; notable:  名画 a well-known picture;  名医 a famous physician;  名句 a well-known phrase; a much quoted line;  名诗人 a noted poet 量 (用于人):  一名教师 a teacher;  两名学生 two students;  第一名 the first 名名 1335C35  92.32  部居  畫數 6ㄇㄧㄥˊ [ming2] N. adjunct.一名犯人 one criminal;錄取新生三名 three newly enrolled students.N.(1)  ([er0]) Name, appellation: 姓名 surname and personal name;人名,地名 personal name, place name;legal personal name, dist. 字 literary name and 號 more poetic name;名正言順 things called by their right names (Confucius);混名 nickname;乳名 name known in childhood;筆名 nomde1plume;see 諱 60A.10;名稱,名字 [ming2cheng1], [ming2zi4]↓.(2)  Number, order of selection: 他考第三名 he came out number three;當選第二名 was elected number two.(3)  Reputation: 久仰大名 heard of your great reputation;盛名之累 the penalties of being famous;名不虛傳,名副(符)其實,名下無虛士 one's reputation is justified;名滿天下 world-renowned;名不符實 hollow reputation without basis;名韁利鎖 the bondage of reputation and wealth;名落孫山 phr., fail in civil examinations, really 孫山之外-allu. to 孫山, the last name of the successful candidates.V.t.To name, describe: 莫以名之 (LL) do not know what to call it;莫名其妙 phr., (derog.) queer, absurd, indescribable;不名一文 not a cent to his name;感激莫名 do not know how to thank you;名世,名於世 (LL) well-known to one's generation.Adj.Famous, well-known: 名人 [ming2ren2]↓;名儒,名宿 well-known scholar;名士 [ming2shi4]1↓;名著,名作 famous work of author;名醫,匠,影星 famous doctor, artisan, movie star;名臣,名相,名將 famous official, prime minister, general;名山大川 great mountains and rivers, object of scholar's travel.Words1. 名簿 [ming2bu4], n., book record of names.2. 名產 [ming2chan3], n., specialty, famous product (of place).3. 名場 [ming2chang2], n., formerly, the civil examinations where one's success was determined.4. 名稱 [ming2cheng1], n., name by which person or thing is called.5. 名氣 [ming2qi4]1, n., reputation, prestige: 稍有名氣 enjoys some sort of reputation.6. 名器 [ming2qi4]2, n., (AC) an official's title and status.7. 名單 [ming2dan1], n., list of names.8. 名額 [ming2e2], n., vacancies, number of students, candidates, etc.9. 名分 [ming2fen4], n., (Confu.) a person's obligations, duties and respect due; a person's social status.10. 名貴 [ming2gui4], adj., valuable, rare art object.11. 名號 [ming2hao4], n., name (of person, ship).12. 名花 [ming2hua1], n., (1) famous courtesan; (2) famous flower.13. 名家 [ming2jia1], n., (1) famous author, artist; (2) the School of Logicians of 墨子 Motse.14. 名腳(兒) [ming2jiao3]([er0]), n., famous actor, actress (also wr. 名角).15. 名教 [ming2jiao4], n., Confucianism, the body of teachings on social relationships.16. 名節 [ming2jie2], n., moral integrity, honor.17. 名利 [ming2li4], n., fame and wealth.18. 名流 [ming2liu2], n., socially prominent person, esp. scholar: 社會名流 social leaders; V.I.P.; well-known leaders of society; people in social register.19. 名論 [ming2lun4], n., (1) famous opinion, essay; (2) (AC) reputation: 名論漸衰 their reputation gradually declined.20. 名門 [ming2men2], n., eminent family: 名門閨秀 daughter of such family; 名門之後 descendant of such family.21. 名目 [ming2mu4], n., name, title esp. for drawing salaries: 巧立名目 create ingenious titles for padding pay or charging expense; 以什麼名目 in what capacity?22. 名片 [ming2pian4], n., name card.23. 名人 [ming2ren2], n., a famous person.24. 名色 [ming2se4], n., (1) famous beauty or courtesan; (2) see [ming2mu4]↑.25. 名山 [ming2shan1], n., famous mountain: 名山事業 author's works destined for posterity.26. 名勝 [ming2sheng4], n., famous sites, places of historic interest.27. 名聲 [ming2sheng1], n., fame.28. 名賢 [ming2xian2], n., famous scholars (of a generation).29. 名手 [ming2shou3], n., distinguished expert, artist (at chess, opera, calligraphy, etc.).30. 名姝 [ming2shu1], n., well-known beauty.31. 名數 [ming2shu4], n., concrete number; (AC) population statistics.32. 名師 [ming2shi1], n., famous master, teacher.33. 名士 [ming2shi4]1, n., esp. 名士派 scholar with unconventional ways, cranky scholar.34. 名氏 [ming2shi4]2, n., a person's name and surname.35. 名實 [ming2shi2], n., (AC) name and solid accomplishments or characters; name and reality (agree, do not correspond).36. 名學 [ming2xUe2], n., (AC) the study of logic, esp. school of Motse.37. 名堂 [ming2tang2], n., name, title, see [ming2mu4]↑.38. 名帖 [ming2tie3], n., (LL) name card.39. 名頭 [ming2tou2], n., (coll.) reputation.40. 名冊 [ming2ce4], n., record of names (of members, etc.).41. 名刺 [ming2ci4], n., (LL) name card.42. 名詞 [ming2ci2], n., (1) word, term: 新名詞 new term; (2) (gram.) noun; 代名詞 pronoun.43. 名子 [ming2zi0], n., name; also [er0].44. 名字 [ming2zi4], n., person's name.45. 名望 [ming2wang4], n., reputation: 有名望 enjoys a reputation.46. 名位 [ming2wei4], n., official rank.47. 名物 [ming2wu4], n., things: 各種名物 different articles and things.48. 名言 [ming2yan2], n., famous saying.49. 名義 [ming2yi4], n., official capacity: 假借名義 assume false official title; 名義上 in official capacity, as a matter of form.50. 名媛 [ming2yUan2], n., debutante, daughter of rich family.51. 名譽 [ming2yU4], (1) n., reputation: 破壞名譽 damage one's reputation; n., 名譽不好 have a bad reputation; 名譽擔保 on one's honor; (2) adj., honorary (doctor, president, chairman, etc.).名n.prename名(在姓之前,如 John Smith 中的 John)forename名(在姓之前,如 Charles Dickens 中的 Charles)praenomen(古罗马公民姓名中的)第一个名字,名(如 Marcus Tellius Cicero 中的 Marcus)phr.Christian name名(以别于姓)front name〈美俚〉(英美人姓名中的)名,第一名given name〈美〉(与姓相对而言的)名;(受洗礼时起的)教名名1. a name2. a given name3. fame4. famous; celebrated5. to describe国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞名--名称名[míng]名1. name♦ 一种~为九二○的生长激素 a growth hormone known as 920♦ 他~叫张南。 His name is Zhang Nan. or He is called Zhang Nan.2. excuse; false prentences♦ 以出差为~游山玩水 take a pleasure trip in the guise of a business trip3. fame; reputation; renown♦ 不为~, 不为利 seek neither fame nor gain♦ ~闻中外 be well-known both at home and abroad动1. given name♦ 这位同志姓李~大刚。 This comrade's surname is Li and his given name, Dagang.2. express; describe♦ 不可名状 形famous; celebrated; well-known; noted♦ ~厨师 a famous chef♦ ~诗人 a noted poet♦ ~教授 a well-known (or prominent) professor量(for people)♦ 十二~学生 twelve students




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