

单词 合营
释义 文馨英漢☞合營合营 héyíngjointly owned/operated合营héyíngto operate jointlya joint venturecooperative合营共同经营;公私合营to jointly operate; to operate jointly as a state-private enterprise合营商店 jointly managed shop合营企业 joint venture公私合营企业 joint state-private enterprise合营各方的投资比例 the investment proportion of each side of the joint management合营 hé yíng jointly owned; jointly operated 合营各方 parties to a joint venture; 合营期满 termination of duration of joint venture; 合营期限 period of joint management; 合营者 joint venturer合营1. jointly owned; jointly operated国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞合营--合资合营jointly owned; jointly operated♦ ~期满 termination of agreement of a joint venture♦ 公私~企业 enterprises under joint public and private ownership




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