

单词 吃大户
释义 吃大户 chī dàhùcoll.1) plunder a landlord's home during famine2) make sb. who can afford it stand treat吃大户chīdàhùto plunder the homes of the wealthy for food (in times of famine)(of sb who has no income) to rely on othersto demand a "contribution" or "loan" from a business or wealthy individual吃大户饥民强行在大户人家吃饭或夺粮to loot landlords' food supplies during times of famine借故去富裕单位或人家吃喝或索取财物to loot food or other possessions belonging to wealthy households or establishments吃大户 chī dà hù mass seizure and eating of food in the homes of landlords林语堂当代汉英繁简☞吃大戶吃大户mass seizure and eating of food in the homes of landlords during famines (as in pre-liberation China)




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