

单词 吃不来
释义 吃不来 chībuláinot be fond of certain food吃不来chībuláito be unaccustomed to certain foodto not be keen on certain food吃不来to not be used to eating something吃不来 chī bu lái not be fond of certain food:  芥末我吃不来。 I'm not especially fond of mustard.  他吃不来生蒜。 He doesn't eat raw garlic. 吃不来1. not fond of certain food2. unaccustomed to (such food)吃不来not be fond of certain food♦ 芥末我~。 I'm not especially fond of mustard.♦ 很多南方人~生蒜。 Many southerners do not eat raw garlic.




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