

释义 吃1. to eat2. to have3. to live onABCABC★◀▶吃 chī1) eat2) eat in/at吃饭馆 eat at a restaurant3) have a meal你吃了吗? Have you eaten?4) live on这碗饭可不容易吃。 This is a hard way to earn a living.5) annihilate; wipe out炮吃马。 The cannon takes the horse (in chess).6) absorb; soak up7) suffer; incur8) exhaust; be a strain吃 qī(吃吃)吃chīto eatto consumeto eat at (a cafeteria etc)to eradicateto destroyto absorbto sufferto stammer (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [ji2])chīvariant of 吃[chī]吃 v. 吃东西to eat吃苹果 eat an apple请吃个苹果。 Please, have an apple.吃奶的孩子 suckling child吃药 take medicine吃坏肚子 have an upset stomach不吃生冷食物 not eat raw or cold foods不爱吃辣的 dislike spicy food别把钱都吃光了。 Don't spend all your money on food.有什么吃什么 eat whatever there is吃饭;搭伙to have a meal; to eat regularly吃公共食堂 eat in a canteen依靠为生to live off靠山吃山,靠水吃水 live off local resources消灭to wipe out吃掉敌人一个团 wipe out an enemy regiment吃掉一个卒 take a pawn吸收to absorb这菜吃油。 This vegetable sucks up oil.这纸不吃墨。 This paper doesn't absorb ink.承受to support小桥吃不住这么大重量。 A small bridge cannot support such a weight.挨,受to take吃耳光 get a slap in the face吃败仗 suffer defeat吃冤枉 suffer an injustice吃批评 be criticized吃苦头 suffer领会to comprehend耗费to consume吃 chī 动 (吃东西) eat; take; make:  匆匆吃顿午饭 make a hasty lunch;  吃酒 drink wine;  吃苹果 eat an apple;  吃糖 have some sweets;  吃喜酒 go to wedding feast; attend the wedding banquet;  吃药 take medicine (在某一出售食物的地方吃) have one's meals; eat:  吃食堂 have one's meals in the mess (依靠某种事物来生活) live on (off):  吃利钱 live on interest;  靠山吃山,靠水吃水。 Mountaineers rely on the mountains, just like those by the waterside profit from water.; If you live on a mountain, you live off the mountain; if you live by the water, you live off the water. (多用于军事、棋戏: 消灭) annihilate;wipe out:  吃掉敌人一个团 annihilate an enemy regiment;  吃一个子儿 take a piece (in chess) (耗费) exhaust; be a strain:  感到吃力 feel the strain (of work, etc.); find a job difficult (吸收液体) absorb; soak up:  这块地不吃水。 This plot does not take in water.  这种纸不吃墨。 This kind of paper does not absorb ink. (受; 挨) suffer; incur:  吃批评 be criticized;  连吃败仗 suffer one defeat after another;  腿上吃了一枪 get shot in the leg;  吃了他一拳。 He gave (me) a blow. 介 (多见于早期白话: 被) by:  吃那厮骗了 was swindled by that fellow 林语堂林语堂★◀▶吃吃 597C40  40A.70-9  部居  畫數 6ㄔ [chi1]  (*ㄐㄧˊ [ji2] ). [Interch.喫]V.i. & t.(1)  to eat (lit.), sometimes also drink, smoke: 吃了 have already taken (food);吃得 eatable;吃不得 (person) must not eat, not eatable;吃不了 (person)cannot finish food portion, (thing) insupportable:;好吃的 good to eat;好難吃 very unpalatable;吃不下 (person) cannot take food, (food) unpalatable;窮得吃不上了 so poor that one has nothing to eat;吃飯 take a meal;吃飯了沒有 have you already eaten? also see 2↓;吃酒 drink wine;吃花酒 attend dinner with singsong girls;吃喜酒 go to wedding feast;吃煙 smoke;吃大煙 smoke opium;有吃有喝 have plenty to eat and drink;吃喝不盡 enough to live on for life;吃犒勞 (shop employees, etc). eat special dinner on holidays;吃豆腐 to enjoy s.t. at s.o.’s expense,also flirt with girl;吃獨食 will not share (gain, profit) with others;吃瓦片 live off rentals;吃西北風 feeding on cold wind--having nothing to eat.(2)  To depend (on job, person) for a living, to eat off (s.o.): 一家子吃他一個人 the whole family depend on him alone for living;這個飯不容易吃 this is a hard way to earn a living;吃大戶 eat off a rich person in times of famine;吃喝不分 fare and share all together;吃現成 (兒) 飯 live off s.t. without work;吃你的,吃我的 board provided by you, by myself.(3)  to bear, receive, take (in many senses, as insults, bullets, etc.): 吃不消 cannot bear any longer (job, way of living);吃槍彈,吃一刀 receive a shot, a knife cut;吃黑棗兒 be shot as punishment;吃罪 [chi1zui4]↓;吃驚 [chi1jing1], 吃力 [chi1li4], 吃苦 [chi1ku3]↓;吃便宜 take advantage of others;吃官司 be involved in lawsuit;吃掛絡兒 get into lawsuit by being involved with others;吃墨紙 [chi1mo4zhi3]↓.(4)  To take advantage of, to overcome, absorb, cover up, displace: 吃棋子 to take off opponent's piece at chess;吃軟不吃硬 bully the weak but yield to one who can fight back;這船吃多深水 what is the displacement of this ship;屋簷被那堵牆吃住了 the roof is blocked from view by that wall;淺黃色被深紅吃住 light yellow loses its color when placed next to crimson;我的錢被小偷吃去了 my money was pilfered by pickpocket;吃那廝騙了 was swindled by that fellow.Words1. 吃本 [chi1ben3], v.i., run business at a loss.2. 吃錢 [chi1qian2], phr., to take bribe.3. 吃的 [chi1de0], n., things to eat: 吃的穿的都有 have enough food and clothing.4. 吃館子 [chi1guan3zi0], v.i., to dine out at restaurant.5. 吃喝兒 [chi1he0er0], n., foodstuffs: 吃喝兒太貴 foodstuffs are too expensive.6. 吃齋 [chi1zhai1], v.i., take vegetarian food (a Budd. vow).7. 吃勁 [chi1jin4], adj., (work) takes a lot of strength to do.8. 吃緊 [chi1jin3], v.i., (trun of events) becomes critical, (hear bad news from the war, etc.).9. 吃驚 [chi1jing1], v.i., get a fright: 吃一大驚 get a shock.10. 吃重 [chi1zhong4], v.i., bear the brunt of burden.11. 吃虧 [chi1kui1], (1) V.i., to take a loss, not receive what is due: 吃個大虧 take a bad loss (in deal); V.i., 好漢不吃眼前虧 a wise man does not fight when the odds are against him--beautiful term for collaboration; (2) conj., unfortunately: 吃虧他不在此 unfortunately he is not here (and so misses a good opportuntiy).12. 吃苦 [chi1ku3], v.i., (1) to suffer: 他要吃苦了 he is going to pay for it; (2) have the capacity for enduring hardships.13. 吃兒 [che1er0], n., things to eat: 今天有什麼好吃兒 what food have we got for today?14. 吃糧 [chi1liang2], v.i., (coll.) to get government rations, i.e., serve as soldier.15. 吃力 [chi1li4], v.i., (things) take a lot of doing: 吃力不討好 a thankless task.16. 吃墨紙 [chi1mo4zhi3], n., blotting paper.17. 吃香 [chi1xiang1], v.i., be popular, in current demand or fashion: 現在理科很吃香 now the study of science is very popular.18. 吃心 [chi1xin1], v.i., (1) (=吃心力) take a lot of thinking; (2) to worry one.19. 吃水 [chi1shui3], v.i., (1) (ship) have a displacement of water; (2) (person) drink water; (3) (soil) retain water.20. 吃食 [chi1shi2], n., snacks, tidbits.21. 吃素 [chi1su4], v.i., take only vegetarian food.22. 吃私 [chi1si1], v.i., mishandle public funds.23. 吃醋 [chi1cu4], v.i., (of man or woman) be jealous.24. 吃罪 [chi1zui4], v.i., suffer or suffer blame: 吃罪不起 responsibility for the blame will be too great for me.林语堂☞喫吃a.edacious〈古〉〈谑〉吃的n.consumption消耗;耗尽;挥霍,浪费;吃;喝;摄取eating吃vi.browse(牲畜)吃草;吃(on)fare吃,进食partake共享,分享;吃,喝 (of)chow吃,喝 (down,up)nosh津津有味地吃;〈美〉吃(快餐)victual(家畜等)进食,吃muckamuck吃vt.manducate咀嚼;吃have吃;喝;吸(烟)make吃get准备(饭);吃;喝take吃;喝;服(药等);吸入;享受EAT吃;喝(汤等)draw(船)吃(水)touch[常与否定词连用]尝,吃,喝;用;弄taste[主要用于否定句]吃;喝capture赢得(比赛);(国际象棋)吃(子)mouth吃;把…送入口中browse(牲畜)吃(草、嫩叶等);吃…上的草;用青饲料喂(牲畜)scarf〈美口〉(尤指狼吞虎咽地)吃(down, up)grit〈美俚〉(黑人用语)吃pasture(牛、 羊等)吃(草)inhale〈美口〉(急切或贪婪地)吃;猛喝partake吃;喝nosh津津有味地吃;〈美〉吃(快餐)provender〈罕〉分享;吃(干饲料等)phr.get outside of〈英口〉(高兴地)吃,畅饮〈口〉吃,喝put on the nosebag〈俚〉吃;吃饭wrap around〈口〉使吃,使喝feed on以…为食物;吃,食;以…为能源pack away吃吃1. to stammer; to stutter\\chi\\ㄔ\\1·to eat2. to suffer; to sustain3. to take something (e·g. a chess piece) from a game opponent4. to annihilate; to wipe out国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞吃--食物吃[chī]动1. eat; take♦ ~苹果 eat an apple♦ ~药 take medicine♦ ~糖 have some sweets♦ ~得很饱 have eaten one's fill2. have one's meals; eat somewhere♦ ~食堂 have one's meals in the mess3. live on (or off)♦ ~利钱 live on interest♦ ~劳保 live on labour insurance4. annihilate; wipe out♦ ~掉敌军一个师 annihilate an enemy division♦ ~一个子儿 take a piece (in chess)5. exhaust; be a strain on♦ 吃力 6. absorb; soak up♦ 这种纸不~墨水。 This kind of paper does not absorb ink.♦ 茄子很~油。 Eggplant calls for a lot of oil in cooking.7. suffer; bear; incur♦ 腿上~了一枪 get wounded by a shot in the leg♦ 连~败仗 suffer one defeat after another♦ 我可不~这一套。 I won't take all this lying down.




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