

单词 叶落归根
释义 文馨英漢☞葉落歸根叶落归根 yèluòguīgēnreturn finally to one's ancestral home叶落归根,老人都想回故乡。 Old people all want to return to their ancestral homes.叶落归根yèluòguīgēna falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); everything has its ancestral homeIn old age, an expatriate longs to return home.叶落归根to return to one's native land; falling leaves settle on the roots叶落归根 yè luò guī gēn What comes from the soil will return to the soil -- want one's old bones to be buried in one's hometown.; A person residing elsewhere finally returns to his native land.; Everything reverts to its original sources.; Falling leaves settle on their roots -- a person residing elsewhere finally returns to his ancestral home.; Leaves fall to settle on their roots -- end one's days on one's native soil.; The fallen leaves return to their roots.叶落归根1. Falling leaves settle on their roots.2. A person residing elsewhere finally returns to his ancestral home.3. When a person gets old, he thinks of going back home.叶落归根the falling leaves settle on the roots—a person residing elsewhere finally returns to his ancestral home




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