

单词 build in
释义 build in (用房屋、围墙等)围住(或填满、堵塞、堵住):to build in with bricks the hole on the side of the house用砖把房子一侧的空洞堵住 (修在墙壁上)使成为室内固定装置,将…建造成另一物件的一部分,使成为组成部分,镶装,嵌在墙上;使固定于他物:to build wardrobes in在墙上修几个衣柜to build in some capboards在墙上嵌几个食橱 在…上造满房子;在…周围造房:to build castles in the air建造空中楼阁We are now completely built in.现在我们周围都造满了房子。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 build inphr.① 將(家具等)作為固定裝置物而建造;(在土地上)圍建(房屋等);將建材置放或嵌入We'll build in bookcases between windows.我們將在窗戶之間砌成嵌入式書架。That area is now built in.該地區現在已建了房子。build invt. sep.to build in sth or to build sth in1.+ wardrobe把…建于其中;把…嵌入其中2.+ safeguards安装详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt septo build in sth;to build sth in:把…建于其中;把…嵌入其中;安装英英释义v.make something an integral part of something elsebuild in内装的build in內裝的電機工程build in內裝的核能名詞




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