

释义 可1. can2. may3. to approveABCABC★◀▶可 kěI v.1) can; may2) need3) be worth; be worthy of4) approve5) fit; suit6) be estimated atII conj.but; yetIII pref.ableIV adv.1) in contrast to before这回你可猜中了。 This time you've guessed right.2) actually; on the contrary我可没去。 Actually, I didn't go.这可不是闹着玩儿的。 This is no joke.3) coll. all; entire; full; throughout可一街 the entire streetV cons.可 A 可 B: sometimes A, sometimes B; either A or B (where AB forms an antithetical expression)可左可右 either left or right可 ⁰kè(可汗)可kěcanmayable toto approveto permitto suit(particle used for emphasis) certainlyverykèsee 可汗[kè hán]可 v. 参见:可以[kěyǐ]可否 can可造之材 have what's needed可换零件 replaceable parts可接受的条件 acceptable conditions可食用的 edible可进可退 be free to enter or back out可有可无 take it or leave it问题可大可小。 The problem could be big or small.可望丰收 have a promising harvest大可不必 really not necessary可供效法 be able to provide reference and study methodologies我有什么可效劳的吗? how can I help you?这有什么可说的! what can be said about this!没有什么可说的! there's nothing I can say有什么可生气的! what is there to be angry about?可一而不可再 once and once only可遇而不可求。 Fate will decide if you get what you want, if you go out looking for it you won't get it.这个办法可行,群众是赞成的。 This approach is practical and the public approve.值得to be worth可钦可佩 very admirable这部电影可看。 This film is worth watching.表示同意to approve不加可否 refuse to comment<方>参见:可着[kězhe]可劲儿干 work with all one's might痊愈to fully recover适合to suit可人意 gratifying这倒可了他的心。 But this satisfied him. adv. 大约<书>about他年可二十。 He's about 20 years old.参见:可是他个子虽然小,力气可真不小。 Although he is short he is not weak.表示强调very可糟啦! what a mess!可把我吓死了。 That really scared me to death.可别弄坏了。 You'd better not break it.你可别忘了明天开会。 Don't you dare forget tomorrow's meeting.这可真怪,他怎么还不来。 This is so strange, how come he's not here yet?他可真忙。 He's incredibly busy.她可真好奇。 She's super curious.事情可真多呀。 There's so much going on.你可来了,让我好等。 So, you've finally arrived, you've made me wait ages.可盼到救星啦! dreaming of salvation!可不是,谁还能骗你。 Exactly, no one can put one over on you!加强反问的语气actually都这样说,可谁见过呢? this is what everyone says, but who's actually seen it?加强疑问的语气really我说的话你可懂? do you really understand what I'm saying?你可曾跟他谈过这个问题? did you really talk to him about this problem?昨天的戏可好? was yesterday's show any good at all?可 kè (构词成分)见下。另见 kě。 2) 可 kě 动 (同意) approve:  不置可否 decline to comment; be noncommittal (可能; 能够; 许可) can; may:  可供效法。 It may serve as a model.;  由此可见。 Thus it can be seen that.; This proves.;  今秋可望丰收。 We expect a good harvest this autumn. (值得) need (doing); be worth (doing):  可爱 lovable;  可悲 lamentable;  可靠 reliable;  没有什么可担心的。 There is nothing to worry about. (适合) fit; suit:  这回倒可了她的心了。 It suited her perfectly this time.  这帽子你可心吗? Does the hat suit you? 连 (表示转折) but; yet:  劳动很艰苦,可是大家干劲十足。 It was hard work, but everybody went at it with a will.  她很忙,可是她总会抽时间去帮助别人。 She is very busy, but she always finds time to help other people. 副 (表示强调):  可别忘了。 Mind you don't forget it.; Be sure to remember it.  可不是吗? That's just the way it is.; Exactly.  你可来了! So you're here at last!  人可多了! There were so many people. (表示加强反问):  有人这么说,可谁见过呢? So they say, but who has ever seen it? (表示加强疑问语气):  你可曾跟他谈过这个问题? Did you ever talk it over with him?  (书) (大约) about:  年可80 about eighty years of age;  重可百斤 weigh about 100 jin 名 (姓氏) a surname:  可岩 Ke Yan 另见 kè。林语堂林语堂★◀▶可可 441B00  31.00  部居  畫數 5ㄎㄜˇ [ke3] Aux.vb.(1)  May can: 不可,不可以 may not, must not (vern. usu. 可以 see [ke3yi3]↓): 可想而知 you can imagine;可有可無 may or may not be needed;無可無不可 (of Confu.) may or may not do a thing (keep an open mind);可大可小 flexible;可進可退 be free to go forward or back out;可望而不可即 may see at a distance, but may not approach (of inaccessible person);可遇而不可求 may come by (s.t.) with luck, but not by searching for it.(2)  Expressing doubt, conjecture, question: 你可好 are you well? 這下子他可好了 he must be well by now;你可知道 do you know? you should know that;可曾 do you ever: 你可曾聽到(看到,想到) have you heard (seen, thought)?(3)  Expressing a statement, opinion or point of view (usu. 可不, different from 不可): 那我可不答應 I will not permit that;時間可不早了 it's late;可不是嗎 isn't it so? 可把我累死了 the work will kill me (too exhausting);你可不是一個好人 I don't think you are an honest person;這個人可不好惹 this person is not easy to handle.V.i. (LL) 可也 this will do, (you) may;不知其可也 don't see how this will do;formerly, in official documents, “okay”.Adj.Forming many adjj. with vbb. or nn.=-ible, -able: 可行 practicable, permissible;可吃,可食 edible;可觀 [ke3guan1], 可愛 [ke3ai4], 可人 [ke3ren2], 可惡 [ke3wu4], 可恥 [ke3chi3]↓;可教 tractable, promising: 孺子可教 (approval) the young man is worthy to be taught;面目可憎 a hateful face;其志可嘉 has laudable ambition;笑容可掬 with a charming smile;可恨 regrettable, hateful;可惱 annoying, irritating;可氣 provoking (anger);可敬 worthy of respect;可嘆 regrettable;see compp.↓.Adv.(1)  About: 年可八十 about eighty years of age;飲可五六斗 can drink five or six gallons.(2)  How (in negative sense): 可堪,可奈 how can one endure (= cannot endure).Conj.But, see 可是 [ke3shi4]↓.Words1. 可愛 [ke3ai4], adj., lovable, likeable, darling.2. 可恥 [ke2chi3], adj., shameful.3. 可兒 [ke3er2], adj., charming, pretty (used more of pretty girl than of a lady), also 可人兒.4. 可風 [ke3feng1], adj., exemplary, worthy as an example: 廉潔可風 exemplary honesty.5. 可否 [ke2fou3], aux. vb., can you or can't you? 可否答應 will you promise? 可否一同走 can I go with you? 未知可否 do not know the outcome yet; 不加可否 refuse to comment.6. 可怪 [ke3guai4], adj., shocking, singular, stranger; phr., it is strange that: 可怪他不留一句話 it is strange that he did not leave a word.7. 可觀 [ke3guan1], adj., (1) worth seeing; (2) sizable: 這數字也就很可觀了 will be quite a respectable sum.8. 可著 [ke3zhe0], phr., (1) according to: 可著頭做帽子 make a hat according to head size; (2) in all: 可著這一屋子的人,也沒有像他那麼難看 there is not so ugly in all the company present.9. 可加 [ke3jia1], n., (bot.) coca; from which cocaine is made, see [ke2kou3]↓.10. 可見 [ke3jian4], phr., one can see therefore: 可見是他 one can see therefore it is he; 可見他從頭就不打算來 you see he never meant to come.11. 可知 [ke3zhi1], phr., (1) it must be true then, one can thus see: 他帽子還在這裡,可知他還沒走 his hat is still here, evidently he has not gone yet; (2) (MC) naturally: 可知你聽不見 of course you cannot hear (him coming), see [ke3jian4]↑.12. 可靠 [ke3kao4], adj., reliable, dependable, accurate (report).13. 可可 [ke2ke3], n., (1) cocoa, a drink; (2) adv., 可可(兒)的 just: 可可兒的正要出門 (I met him) just as he was leaving.14. 可口(兒) [ke2kou3]([er0]), adj., tasty, good to eat; 可口可樂 [ke2kou3ke3le4], n., Coca-Cola.15. 可蘭經 [ke3lan2jing1], n., the Koran.16. 可憐 [ke3lian2], (1) adj., small and helpless, very endearing, pitiful: 可憐的很,怪可憐 very pitiful; (2) v.t, be merciful to (person): 可憐我 please have mercy on me; 可憐蟲 pitiful creature.17. 可能 [ke3neng2], adj. & n., (1) possible, possibility: 有這個可能 there is this possibility; (2) (MC) =可耐(無奈):我未成名君未嫁,可能俱是不如人 I am yet unknown and you are unmarried, unfortunately our lot is so wretched; 可能性 [ke3neng2xing4], n., possibility: 可能性很大 there's great possibility.18. 可念 [ke3nian4], adj., (1) worth remembering; (2) (MC) =可憐 pitiful.19. 可怕 [ke3pa4], adj., horrible, terrible (event, person, look, etc.).20. 可燃性 [ke3ran2xing4], n., combustibility.21. 可人 [ke3ren2], adj., (of flavor) charming, agreeable; (of person) charming, sympatico: 始信潚明是可人 one sees what a charming character Taur Yuanmirng was.22. 可笑 [ke3xiao4], adj., laughable, ridiculous.23. 可惜 [ke3xi2], adj. & adv., unfortunately: 可惜我不能來 unfortunately (it's a pity) I cannot come; 可惜了兒的 what a pity!24. 可是 [ke3shi4], (1) v.i., be indeed, be (emphatic): 你那樣可是真糟 you are simply awful; (2) conj., but: 他雖做不好,可是已盡力了 it's not very well done, but he has done his best; (3) (in questions) is that right? 我說的可是 is what I say right?25. 可憎才 [ke3zeng1cai2], n., (MC) lover (“hateful person”used in reverse meaning, like 冤家 “predestined enemy”).26. 可惡 [ke3wu4], adj., wicked, damned, rotten (used in condemnation).27. 可厭 [ke3yan4], adj., disgusting (person, talk, etc.).28. 可以 [ke2yi3], (1) aux. vb., may, can (esp. in vern.): 你可以去,他不可以 you may go, but he may not; 可以這樣說 one may say so; (2) v.i. & adj., will do, good or bad enough: 這孩子鬧得真可以 this child has made enough fuss; 可以休矣 enough of it, time to stop; 畫的真可以 painted pretty well; 可以了 that will do.29. 可疑 [ke3yi2], adj., suspicious (character, circumstance).可可 [ke2ke3], n., (1) cocoa, a drink; (2) adv., 可可(兒)的 just: 可可兒的正要出門 (I met him) just as he was leaving.可v. aux.should[表示委婉、谦逊]倒,可可1. to approve2. to permit3. to suit; to fit国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞可--中等可[kě]动1. approve♦ 许可 ♦ 认可 2. can; may♦ 这篇文章~长~短, 你看着办吧。 You can make this article either long or short, as you see fit.3. need (doing); be worth (doing)♦ 没有什么~担心的。 There is nothing to worry about.4. fit; suit♦ 可心 ♦ 可口 连but; yet; however♦ 文字虽短, ~内容不错。 It's a short piece of writing, but it's meaningful in content.♦ 我嘴里不说, 心里~高兴极啦。 I said nothing, but felt extremely happy inside.副1. 口 (used for emphasis)♦ 他~没说过这话。 He never said that.♦ 我跑得~不快。 I'm by no means a fast runner.♦ 他汉语说得~好啦!He speaks excellent Chinese.2. (used in a rhetorical question for emphasis)♦ 都这么说, ~谁见过呢?So they say, but who has ever actually seen it?另见 kè可[kè](构词成分)另见 kě




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